(Washington, D.C., February 13, 2016). Today, upon receiving news of the inexplicable and ill-timed death of Justice Antonin Scalia, a conservative icon, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, a former federal prosecutor in the Reagan Justice Department who was on the trial team that broke up AT&T and candidate in 2004 for U.S. Senate in Florida in the Republican Primary, issued this statement:
“Freedom Watch and all Americans mourn the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, who seemed relatively young for a justice, robust and in good health, not only because he was a great patriot who loved the country, but also because his loss will result in the socialist and Muslim-leaning and race divisive current President nominating a new justice of his ilk. If such a likely appointment is ever confirmed in the U.S. Senate, this will help cement the current downward spiral of the nation. It now falls upon the Republican establishment in the U.S. Senate to block any confirmation of a new justice until after the elections. Will they have the guts to do this? Not likely under the current leadership of the Republican Party in Congress, who have been submissive to and thus roundly defeated by President Barack Hussein Obama at every turn.
Freedom Watch and I will do our part to prevent the confirmation of any Obama appointed nominee to the Supreme Court. For the moment, let us all pay our tribute to this great American, whose ill-timed mysterious death needs to be investigated.”
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