Obstruction of Justice of Freedom of Information Act Requests (FOIA) Over Iran Nuclear Program and Waivers to Iranian Economic Sanctions Implicated
Latest Clinton Crime Similar to E-Mail Scandal During Clinton Administration
(Washington, D.C., March 4, 2015). Larry Klayman, Esq., the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former federal prosecutor at the U.S. Department of Justice, announced today that he is filing motions for orders to show cause why Hillary Clinton and the Obama State Department should not be held in criminal contempt for lying to various courts (and obstructing justice) over their responses to FOIA Requests seeking records concerning Hillary Clinton’s role as Secretary of State in releasing information about Israeli war plans and methods to eliminate the Iranian nuclear weapons of mass destruction programs and the decision-making process in her granting waivers to companies, countries and other interests (i.e. Freedom Watch v. Clinton, et. al 14-5174 (D.C. Circuit); Freedom Watch v. Clinton et. al (13-CD-419) (M.D.FL.); Freedom Watch v. Clinton et. al (15-5048) (D.C. Circuit). In the course of responding to Freedom Watch’s FOIA Requests, the Obama State Department at the direction of Secretary Clinton lied to these courts, telling them that they did not have any such emails or other documents. This also amounts to criminal obstruction of justice.
Importantly, by Secretary Clinton’s failing to produce the emails, but instead secretly hiding them by using private email accounts, she compromised national security by communicating on non-secured lines. Just yesterday, General David Petraeus agreed to a criminal plea deal over his alleged misuse of national security classified information. It is likely that Hillary Clinton’s misuse rises to an even greater level of criminality.
During the 1990’s, Klayman, who was then the head of Judicial Watch, fought the Clintons tooth and nail over their myriad of scandals, including China-gate, File-gate, Travel-gate and a previous IRS-gate, to name just of few of their over 40 scandals. In the late 1990s, it was learned by Klayman from two White House whistleblowers that the Clintons had hid over one million emails, which they claimed were lost on White House computer servers. This obstructed Judicial Watch court discovery requests, the criminal grand jury proceedings of independent counsels Kenneth Starr and his successor Robert Ray, and investigations by Congress into the Clinton scandals. As a result, Klayman filed a motion for order to show cause, and the federal court in Washington, D.C., presided upon by the Honorable Royce Lamberth, ordered a contempt trial over this alleged obstruction. In addition, at a cost of about 8 million U.S.D., he ordered that a computer firm reconstruct the missing emails on back-up systems. Responsive emails were found in this search.
In light of this latest Hillary Clinton criminality, Klayman issued this statement today:

“There is no crime beneath the Clintons, as history has shown. But this newest email scandal is not minor. It rises to the level of major criminality, as Hillary Clinton and her then State Department have again lied to courts and obstructed justice – as she did to independent counsels during her husband’s administration. The stated reason by independent counsel Robert Ray, Starr’s successor, that she was not prosecuted then was that a District of Columbia predominantly African-American Democrat jury would have never convicted her. This cynical assessment led to her escaping justice. While I did get a legal finding from Judge Lamberth that Bill Clinton had committed a crime in releasing Privacy Act information about a woman he had sexually harassed in the Oval Office, Kathleen Willey, Hillary Clinton thus walked off scot-free, free to commit more crimes. Now is the time that this master criminal finally be held to account to the rule of law. Her ‘nine lives’ are long since gone.
“The American people also deserve to know the truthful facts about her felonious work at the State Department concerning Iran, and the courts must now allow Freedom Watch discovery into why the requested documents were hidden and never produced, so that they can be disclosed in the public interest. Unanswered questions include what did Hillary Clinton get in exchange – as the illegal political contributions, gratuities and bribes she and her husband took from the communist Chinese during their administration – in exchange for granting waivers to economic sanctions against Iran?
“In addition, Hillary Clinton’s accomplices, such as her State Department chief of staff, Marsha Scott, who was also implicated in the email scandal during the Clinton administration when she was the First Lady’s chief of staff in the White House, must also be held to account and legally prosecuted if found culpable, as is likely, based on past history.”
For more information or an interview, please contact daj142182@gmail.com or (424) 274-2579.