Author: Freedom Watch

First in POLITICO Playbook: Mark Meadows to leave Congress, plus what McConnell will say on impeachment By Jake Sherman, Anna Palmer POLITICO December 19, 2019 NEW … REP. MARK MEADOWS (R-N.C.), one of President DONALD TRUMP’S top allies, is not seeking re-election, and tells Playbook he could leave the House in the middle of this term to begin a new, yet presently undefined role helping TRUMP. “OBVIOUSLY, I’VE LOOKED AT THIS AS A TEMPORARY JOB,” Meadows told us in an interview Wednesday, speaking of serving in the House. “Endorsed term limits — never ran on a term-limit pledge.…

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During Trump impeachment hearing, Fox News judge says “undisputed evidence” Trump “abused his power” By Jeffery Martin Newsweek December 19, 2019 Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano said evidence that President Donald Trump abused his presidential powers was “undisputed” in an article published Wednesday in The Washington Times. Impeachment proceedings against Trump are expected to be passed by the House of Representatives Wednesday night. “High crimes and misdemeanors is a basis for impeachment, the constitutional remedy for presidential behavior that subverts our democratic institutions,” Napolitano wrote. “In Mr. Trump’s case, we have undisputed evidence that he abused…

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Fox News legal analyst: There’s ‘undisputed evidence’ Trump abused his power By Justin Wise TheHill December 18, 2019 Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano on Wednesday argued that there is “undisputed evidence” that President Trump abused the power of his office in his dealings with Ukraine, asserting that the “remedy of impeachment is acutely needed” because of it. “In Mr. Trump’s case, we have undisputed evidence that he abused his power by inviting a foreign government to interfere in the 2020 presidential election and then compounded this by directing subordinates to refrain from giving congressionally commanded evidence of…

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By Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large CNN December 18, 2019 (CNN)Some time later today — maybe MUCH later today — the House will vote to impeach President Donald Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — both tied to his actions around a July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky. Even as the House prepares for the historic vote, however, there’s growing evidence that the public impeachment proceedings in the House against Trump may actually be helping him politically. Take a new Gallup poll released Wednesday morning, which shows two things happening since House Democrats,…

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Opinion | The FISA Judge Strikes Back By The Editorial Board WSJ December 18, 2019 Our media friends want to ignore the FBI’s abuse of power in seeking secret warrants to spy on Carter Page, but the country deserves a thorough accounting and clean up. One step in the right direction arrived Tuesday when a clearly outraged head of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court told the government to shape up and fast. In a blistering order that she made public, presiding FISC Judge Rosemary Collyer responded to last week’s Inspector General report on the FBI’s dishonest applications. She…

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FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order By Andrew O’Reilly Fox News December 17, 2019 In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC] strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz. The order, from the court’s presiding judge Rosemary M. Collyer, came just a week after the release of Horowitz’s withering report about the wiretapping of Carter Page, a former campaign adviser…

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Maria Bartiromo: FISA abuse scandal will ‘blow up’ bigger than it has thus far By Charles Creitz Fox News December 17, 2019 ‘Mornings with Maria’ host Maria Bartiromo breaks down FBI misconduct with the Steel dossier on ‘Hannity.’ Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo said she believes the FISA abuse scandal outlined in the recent inspector general’s report will “blow up” more extensively than it has thus far. Bartiromo — host of “Mornings with Maria” on FBN and “Sunday Morning Futures” on the Fox News Channel — told Sean Hannity on Monday that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam…

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Michael Flynn’s Sentencing Set for Jan. 28 After Judge Rejects His Attacks on FBI, Justice Department By Spencer S. Hsu Washington Post December 16, 2019 A federal judge on Monday rejected Michael Flynn’s attacks against the FBI and the Justice Department, setting a long-delayed sentencing for President Trump’s former national security adviser for Jan. 28. U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan of Washington dismissed Flynn’s motion to find prosecutors in contempt. In a 92-page decision, Sullivan ruled there was no basis for Flynn’s allegations that federal law enforcement officials entrapped the retired three-star Army general into accepting a…

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By Philip Bump Washington Post December 16, 2019 “The Fox poll came out — and I was stunned by this,” Kilmeade said on “Fox and Friends.” “This says 50 percent of the country want the president impeached. I was stunned to see that that’s the number, because I thought that things were trending away.” Actually, the Fox News poll released Sunday said that 54 percent of Americans want to see President Trump impeached. Fifty percent support impeaching him and removing him from office; an additional 4 percent support impeaching him but allowing him to remain on the job. Forty-one…

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