Author: Freedom Watch

Republican lawmaker asks Lindsey Graham to ‘rethink’ Senate’s impeachment strategy By Melanie Zanona POLITICO December 11, 2019 Rep. Jim Banks is calling on fellow Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to ratchet up his defense of President Donald Trump, as House Republicans race to influence the Senate GOP’s strategy in a looming impeachment trial. In a Wednesday letter to Graham, Banks (R-Ind.) encouraged the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman to “rethink” his impeachment strategy, in the latest sign that the House GOP is growing restless with their Republican colleagues across the Capitol. Continue Reading…..

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Sean Hannity to James Comey: ‘You hurt the premier law enforcement agency of the world’ By Victor Garcia Fox News December 11, 2019 Attorney General Barr doubles down on claims the FBI spied on Trump campaign. Sean Hannity defended his reporting Tuesday on the FBI’s Russia investigation and blasted former FBI director James Comey over Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report. “For two and a half years, our ensemble cast. We got the crap beat out of us every day. We were beaten up. We were made fun of. That’s all fine. I don’t really care…

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Trump Enraged at Fox, His Impeachment Bulwark By Gabriel Sherman Vanity Fair December 11, 2019 Even as it became clear he would become only the fourth president to face impeachment, Donald Trump has argued to White House officials that he is, in fact, winning. “He’s feeling positive,” a former West Wing official told me. “The prevailing view is the Democrats are blowing it. Trump’s feeling is his all-out brawl strategy is working.” His confidence is buoyed by an uptick in his swing state poll numbers and what he sees as Democrats’ failure to message impeachment effectively. “It’s unbelievable.…

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Growing divide between Trump and McConnell over impeachment trial By Kaitlan Collins and Phil Mattingly CNN December 10, 2019 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are both looking ahead to the Senate impeachment trial, but there is a growing divide between the two over what that trial should look like, CNN has learned. In conversations with the White House, the Kentucky Republican has made clear he hopes to end the trial as soon as he can, an effort to both get impeachment off his lap and protect his conference from potentially damaging votes should…

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Fox’s Chris Wallace: IG report headline is ‘It didn’t find the things that Bill Barr and Donald Trump alleged’ By Joe Concha TheHill December 9, 2019 “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace said the headline on the highly anticipated report released Monday by the Justice Department’s inspector general (IG) will be that it “didn’t find the things that Bill Barr and Donald Trump alleged” regarding spying on the Trump campaign. “Remember, this comes against the backdrop of Donald Trump talking about the investigation of him in 2016 as a political hit job,” Wallace said to “America’s Newsroom” anchors…

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Barr condemns IG report’s finding that FBI probe of Trump campaign was justified By Adam Edelman NBC News December 9, 2019 Attorney General William Barr on Monday rejected a key conclusion of an investigation conducted by his own agency’s watchdog that a probe into Russian interference into the 2016 election was justified. Barr, in a lengthy statement, called the FBI’s investigation into Moscow’s interference “intrusive” and said it had been launched “on the thinnest of suspicions” — even though the Justice Department’s inspector general report released Monday concluded that the overall probe was justified and not motivated by…

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By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax December 9, 2019 Attorney General William Barr has been in several conversations in recent months with President Donald Trump to distance himself from his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, telling Trump the former New York City mayor has become a liability and a problem for the administration, according to several sources said to be familiar with the conversations. The Washington Post reports, however, that Trump has continued to resist the request. In one of the discussions, according to a person described as having knowledge of the episode, Barr warned Trump that he’s not being well-served by…

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By Brian Freeman Newsmax December 9, 2019 President Donald Trump lashed out at Fox News in a tweet on Sunday for giving air time to Democrats to discuss the impeachment inquiry. “Don’t get why @FoxNews puts losers on like @RepSwalwell (who got ZERO as presidential candidate before quitting), Pramila Jayapal, David Cicilline and others who are Radical Left Haters?” Trump wrote. “The Dems wouldn’t let @FoxNews get near their bad ratings debates, yet Fox panders. Pathetic!” This is the latest in a series of criticism the president has had against Fox News for its coverage of the impeachment process.…

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‘Fox And Friends’ Host Pete Hegseth Banned From Twitter For Saudi Manifesto Post Yahoo News December 9, 2019 Fox and Friends host Pete Hegseth claimed he was banned from Twitter Saturday for posting an anti-American manifesto from Pensacola shooter Mohammed Alshamrani. Hegseth posted the screenshots Sunday showing his tweet, and said the actions were “Islamist terror.” He posted the messages from Alshamrani’s Twitter account. Continue Reading…..

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