Author: Freedom Watch

By Harmeet Kaur CNN December 7, 2019 (CNN)For the first time, Muhammad is one of the top 10 most popular baby names for boys in the United States, according to data from the parenting website BabyCenter. Muhammad ranks at No. 10, up four spots from last year. The name has been climbing steadily on BabyCenter’s rankings over the years and first entered the top 100 in 2013. Continue Reading…..

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Pensacola shooting: Saudi student kills three at Florida naval air station, says official the Guardian December 7, 2019 An aviation student from Saudi Arabia opened fire in a classroom building at the naval air station (Nas) in Pensacola, Florida, on Friday morning, a US official said, an attack the Saudi government quickly condemned and that US officials were investigating for possible links to terrorism. The assault, which left three dead in addition to the assailant, was the second at a US navy base this week and prompted a massive law enforcement response and a lockdown at the base.…

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Hillary Clinton’s phrasing while denying lesbian rumors to Howard Stern leaves LGBTQ advocate ‘disappointed’ By Brian Flood Fox News December 6, 2019 Hillary Clinton dismissed rumors that she had engaged in lesbian affairs during an interview with shock jock Howard Stern on Wednesday, and now a prominent LGBTQ advocate is “disappointed” in the former secretary of state. “Never even been tempted, thank you very much,” Clinton told Stern when asked if she had ever engaged in a “lesbian affair.” Reporter Trish Bendix, who has won the 2015 Sarah Pettit Memorial Award for excellence in LGBT media and is…

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Jonathan Turley ‘inundated with threatening messages’ after testimony opposing Trump impeachment By Vandana Rambaran Fox News December 6, 2019 House Judiciary Committee Republican witness Jonathan Turley writes in a new op-ed that his home and office were ‘inundated with threatening messages’ after his testimony opposing the impeachment of President Trump. Former Whitewater Independent Counsel Robert Ray reacts and shares his own experience. Jonathan Turley, the sole Republican witness during the House Judiciary Committee’s first public impeachment hearing Wednesday, said he was “inundated with threatening messages” after his testimony, which argued that Democrats do not have enough evidence to…

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Gregg Jarrett: Reports downplaying Horowitz, Durham reports on Russia probe are ‘multiple hearsay,’ ‘unreliable’ By Victor Garcia Fox News December 6, 2019 Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett dismissed reports downplaying Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s forthcoming report on potential FBI and DOJ surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign in 2016, calling them “hearsay.” “Well, it’s [the reports are] based on leaked information from people who didn’t read the Horowitz report, but were told about it from people, other people who were briefed on it who didn’t read the report,” Jarrett said on “The Story with Martha…

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Senate Republicans puncture House GOP dreams for impeachment trial By Melanie Zanona, Burgess Everett POLITICO December 6, 2019 On Wednesday, a conservative backbencher in the House issued an explosive request to Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham: Subpoena the phone records of House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff. On Thursday, Graham had a succinct response: “We’re not going to do that.” The demand from Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.) reflects House Republicans’ eagerness to see Democrats squirm once impeachment moves to the GOP-controlled Senate and out of the “sham” process they’ve derided in the House. Continue Reading…..

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Napolitano: Ignoring a congressional subpoena is obstruction and an impeachable offense By Joshua Nelson Fox News December 5, 2019 Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano reacts to the testimony from four law scholars at the House Judiciary Committee. Following George Washington University law scholar Jonathan Turley’s testimony at Wednesday’s impeachment hearing, Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano disagreed with his stated argument that President Trump had the authority to disregard a subpoena issued by Congress. “He can’t. That’s what Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were charged with. … You don’t have to…

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Opinion | Fox can’t shake anti-Semitism By Erik Wemple Washington Post December 4, 2019 In October 2018, a guest on his Fox Business program — Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch — made a bizarre claim about a connection between the Central American migrants moving through Mexico and Hungarian-born Jewish philanthropist George Soros. The migrants, he said, “have affiliates or are getting money from the [George] Soros-occupied State Department and that is a great, great concern.” The comment horrified viewers when it re-aired after the mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue; the suspect in the case, Robert Bowers, “frequently…

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By Larry Klayman WND December 3, 2019 Make no mistake about it. I think President Donald J. Trump has been doing a fantastic job as the 45th president of the United States, whether it is with regard to immigration, the economy, religious freedom, anti-terrorism or foreign policy in general, particularly with regard to the Middle East and Israel. Who but The Donald would bring the Islamic Republic of Iran to its economic knees, express support for those who want to overthrow its radical Muslim regime and at the same time move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to its capital,…

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Democrats release impeachment report detailing ‘overwhelming’ evidence By Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb CNN December 3, 2019 (CNN)House Democrats say evidence of President Donald Trump’s misconduct and obstruction of Congress is “overwhelming,” charging that Trump’s conduct toward Ukraine compromised national security in a new report released Tuesday that will form the backbone of the impeachment proceedings against the President. The 300-page report from the House Intelligence Committee sets the stage for the impeachment of a US president for just the third time in history. The report stops short of outright recommending impeachment, with House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff,…

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