Author: Freedom Watch

Trump to flip 11th Circuit to majority GOP-appointed judges; third appeals court to change majority By Alex Swoyer The Washington Times November 20, 2019 Senate Republicans confirmed one of President Trump’s judicial nominees to the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Tuesday and will flip the federal appeals court to a majority of Republican-appointed active judges with another confirmation later this week. It will be the third federal appeals court to be turned to a GOP-majority under the president’s promise to remake the federal judiciary with a conservative bent. Judge Robert J. Luck cleared the Senate Tuesday by…

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Gordon Sondland pins ‘quid pro quo’ on Rudy Giuliani By Gabriella Mu����oz The Washington Times November 20, 2019 Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland told lawmakers Wednesday that President Trump’s private lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani pushed a “quid pro quo” deal with Ukraine to secure investigations sought by the president. The testimony delivered evidence of the quid pro quo that Democrats say amounts to bribery and warrants impeachment. But Mr. Sondland pointedly separated Mr. Giuliani’s activity from the administration’s official actions. Mr. Sondland, the official that has found himself at the center of the impeachment inquiry, will…

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Judge Napolitano to Trump: Don’t Testify in Impeachment Probe, Run Away From This ‘Dangerous Environment’ Fox News November 20, 2019 Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says the House inquiry does not operate like a courtroom. Continue Reading….. See also: Chris Wallace: Trump impeachment testimony ‘would be akin’ to Prince Andrew testifying on Epstein

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Roger Stone — convicted for bragging By Rachel Alexander WND November 19, 2019 Pundits are eagerly celebrating the guilty verdicts in the Roger Stone trial. A jury found him guilty of obstructing a House investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election. He was convicted on seven counts of lying to Congress, obstruction and witness tampering. “The View” co-host Meghan McCain tweeted, “Rot in hell, Roger Stone.” Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile said to talk-show comedian Bill Mahr Friday night, “I hope he roasts in hell. That son of a *****!” That statement and more by her raised…

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Fox News Host Hits Trump for Attacking Chris Wallace: You’re ‘Not Entitled to Praise’ The Daily Beast November 19, 2019 Fox News aired a rare bit of “Common Sense” on Monday afternoon when host Neil Cavuto ended his show with a strong defense of his colleague Chris Wallace, who earned the wrath of President Trump for daring to challenge House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA). Trump tweeted on Sunday that Scalise “blew the nasty & obnoxious Chris Wallace (will never be his father, Mike!) away on Chris’s lowest rated (unless I’m on) morning show,” adding, “This kind of…

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By Larry Klayman WND November 18, 2019 During my years as the head of Judicial Watch, the public interest watchdog I conceived of and founded on July 29, 1994 — over 25 year ago — I was frequently asked why as a conservative my group (and now my current creation, Freedom Watch) would bring hard-hitting lawsuits against Republicans as well as Democrats. Some suggested that this diluted Judicial Watch’s so-called brand, particularly with regard to fundraising among conservatives and others on the right. The answer was simple; namely that if we were to hold the left accountable to the…

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By Tyler McCarthy Fox News November 18, 2019 Fox News Flash top entertainment and celebrity headlines for Nov. 18 are here. Check out what’s clicking today in entertainment. Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight will become the first recipient of the prestigious National Medal of Arts since President Trump took office. The White House announced four recipients of the National Medal of Arts and four of the National Humanities Medal in a statement Sunday night. Trump will award the medals during a ceremony at the White House on Thursday. Continue Reading…..

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Explaining Jews, part 5: Why are Jews liberal? By Dennis Prager WND April 25, 2006 The most frequently asked question I receive from non-Jews about Jews is, why are Jews so liberal? The question is entirely legitimate since Jews (outside of Israel) are indeed overwhelmingly liberal and disproportionately left of liberal as well. For example, other than blacks, no American group votes so lopsidedly for the Democratic Party. And the question is further sharpened given that traditional Jewish values are not leftist. That is why the more religiously involved the Jew, the less likely he is to be…

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Wolf Blitzer vs. Kellyanne Conway: Does Anybody At CNN Ever Feel Badly About Getting Everything So Wrong? Real Clear Politics November 18, 2019 Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway dresses down CNN’s Wolf Blitzer for bringing up her marriage during an interview about the impeachment inquiry and playing a clip of her husband George Conway blasting President Trump yesterday on MSNBC. WOLF BLITZER, CNN: I just have a final question, a sensitive question, and it’s a political question, it’s a substantive question. I don’t want to talk about your marriage. I know that there are issues there. Your…

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