Author: Freedom Watch

Israel blasts European Court of Justice ruling to label settlement products By Talia Kaplan Fox News November 13, 2019 Israeli officials are blasting the European Union’s announcement that goods from Jewish settlements in the country must be specifically labelled, with Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations saying, “Anti-Semitism in Europe now has legal cover.” The European Union’s top court ruled Tuesday that EU countries must identify products made in Israeli settlements on their labels. The ruling pertains to products imported from settlements in the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights, all captured by Israel in the…

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Republicans offered more participation in Trump impeachment inquiry than in Nixon’s, Judge Napolitano says By Charles Creitz Fox News November 13, 2019 Despite an outcry by some in the GOP, Republicans have largely been given more ability to participate in House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump than the minority party has in the last two such proceedings, according to Judge Andrew Napolitano. During impeachment proceedings against ex-Presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, data and initial testimony from witnesses was obtained in private and controlled largely by the majority party, Napolitano said Tuesday on “Your World.” “We saw…

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Napolitano: Trump’s ‘dog whistles of lawless behavior’ call into question his fitness for office By Joe Concha TheHill November 12, 2019 Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano said Monday that President Trump’s “foul language” and “dog whistles of lawless behavior to many of his supporters” call into question “the president’s fitness for office.” “He publicly calls people crude names, uses foul language, and sends dog whistles of lawless behavior to many of his supporters,” said Napoltano on “Liberty File” on Fox Nation, the network’s streaming service that launched one year ago. “All of that is a question…

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Rep. Ilhan Omar accused of anti-Semitism before CAIR gala speech New York Post November 10, 2019 New anti-Semitism accusations are swirling around Rep. Ilhan Omar. A Saturday tweet by the controversial Minnesota congresswoman — referencing possible presidential contender Michael Bloomberg and philanthropist Leon G. Cooperman — has left critics crying “dog-whistle.” The questionable tweet came in response to a CNBC article revealing that Cooperman would be supporting Bloomberg in his 2020 presidential bid. “I wonder why,” Omar said, adding a suspicious “hmmm” emoji. Continue Reading…..

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By WND Staff WND November 9, 2019 Joe Arpaio, known as “America’s toughest sheriff” for his enforcement of federal immigration policy in Maricopa County, Arizona, has refiled a defamation complaint against the Huffington Post and Rolling Stone for falsely describing him as a “felon.” A complaint raising similar concerns was recently dismissed for lack of “specificity,” and his lawyer, Larry Klayman, promptly brought the new action. The case in federal court in the District of Columbia seeks $300 million in damages for “general defamation, defamation per se, defamation by implication, tortious interference with prospective business relations and false light.”…

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By Mike LaSusa Law360 November 9, 2019 Law360 (November 7, 2019, 11:25 PM EST) — Former Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio launched a fresh defamation suit on Thursday seeking more than $300 million in damages from HuffPost, Rolling Stone and journalists at both publications after recently losing a similar case in the same Washington, D.C., federal court. Arpaio claimed the publications and journalists had defamed him, in the case of HuffPost and senior political reporter Kevin Robillard by saying Arpaio had been “sent to prison” for contempt of court, and in the case of Rolling Stone and staff…

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By Larry Klayman WND November 9, 2019 I am a risk taker. Not being content to just file Freedom of Information Act requests, which can never be lost since documents will always be produced, I have always tried to use creative court cases with real clients to try to bring about justice and further the rule of law and respect for our Constitution. In so doing, I frequently encounter federal judges in particular who use their considerable power and unaccountability to play God and decide whether a case that is a “hot potato” can proceed beyond the initial pleading…

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Senate beginning preparations for an impeachment trial By Lauren Fox CNN November 6, 2019 (CNN)While senators await the House of Representatives to move into the public phase of their impeachment inquiry, aides and members are beginning to prepare for a likely Senate trial. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are cautious: there are no articles of impeachment and the House hasn’t voted to impeach the President. But, the logistical undertaking of a Senate impeachment trial isn’t an easy lift and can’t snap into action overnight leading to conversations that have begun in even small ways. Talks are…

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The Last Trusted Prosecutor in Washington | National Review By Jim Geraghty National Review November 5, 2019 John Durham is the legendary lawman digging into how the intelligence probe of Donald Trump started. John Durham may be the most consequential and least known figure in Washington right now. In May, U.S. attorney general William Barr selected Durham, a longtime prosecutor with a r����sum���� so sterling it nearly glows, to investigate the origins of the special counsel’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and whether it was properly predicated. Some Trump fans believe there was a vast…

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