Author: Freedom Watch

Trevor Noah asks Hillary: How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein? By WND Staff WND November 1, 2019 After a famed pathologist said he thinks Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, Comedy Central host Trevor Noah jokingly asked Hillary Clinton in an interview Thursday how she did it. “I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while: How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?” Noah asked Clinton, who appeared with her daughter, Chelsea, to promote their new book. Clinton burst out laughing. Noah, saying she’s been a “boogeyman” for the right, kept up the irony. Continue…

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By Harper Neidig TheHill November 1, 2019 A federal judge on Thursday threw out conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi’s lawsuit against former special counsel Robert Mueller after he accused Mueller of coercing him into testifying about his alleged role coordinating the release of stolen Democratic emails. Judge Ellen Huvelle of the D.C. District Court said that Corsi, formerly of the far-right conspiracy theory website InfoWars, had failed to make a valid case against Mueller or any of the various intelligence and law enforcement agencies named in his complaint. Continue Reading…..

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(Washington, D.C., October 31, 2019). Today, Larry Klayman the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former trial attorney and prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice issued a statement in response to a court ruling concerning Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s complaint for defamation against CNN, Chris Cuomo, CNN CEO Jeff Zucker, Rolling Stone and the Huffington Post. The complaint, filed in Arpaio v. CNN, Civil Action No. 18-cv-02894 in the U.S. District of Columbia alleged that by publishing that the sheriff is a “convicted felon,” that defendants acted with actual malice to defame him, all for…

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George Conway urges officials to ‘just stop’ defending Trump, says he ‘belongs’ in prison By Adam Shaw Fox News October 29, 2019 George Conway, attorney and husband of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, launched into another tirade against President Trump on Tuesday, urging public officials and others to “just stop” defending the president and saying he “belongs” in prison. “To the members of Congress, public officials, and talking heads still defending @realDonaldTrump: Just stop,” he tweeted. “Especially the lying. He has no defense. Don’t go down with him in history in disgrace. The sooner we get this over…

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By Larry Klayman WND October 28, 2019 We cannot allow for the Never Trumper “human scum,” as President Trump crassly but aptly put it, to jeopardize the citizenry during these dangerous times, with a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran on the horizon and already a nuclearized North Korea, to name just two looming crises. As I wrote in my autobiography, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment,” it was the impeachment of President Bill Clinton over the relatively minor (when compared to the other 40-plus Clinton scandals, ranging from Chinagate to IRSgate to Travelgate) Monica Lewinsky…

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Iranian security head repeats threat to destroy Israel in 30 minutes if it ‘makes mistake’ October 28, 2019 Motjaba Zannour has warned US president Donald Trump and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel “will not live for longer than twenty or thirty minutes” if Tel Aviv or Washington make a mistake. His remarks are part of Iran’s deterrence ‘asymmetric warfare’ strategy to deter the USA and Israel from targeting Iran, Iran’s Channel 5 news outlet reported. Mr Zannour said: “We have employed a strategy of asymmetric warfare. What does this mean? It means making our enemy’s strengths…

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Fox News host confronts Kellyanne Conway over threat to probe reporter By Raw Story Salon October 26, 2019 On Fox News this morning, counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway got some heated questioning from anchor Sandra Smith over a recent news report that she threatened to investigate a reporter’s personal life for writing about her anti-Trump husband, George Conway. At the outset of the segment, Smith asked Conway about the “heated clash” she had with Washington Examiner reporter Caitlin Yilek. “Did that happen, Kellyanne?” Smith asked. “Did you threaten her? Bully her? Abuse her?” Continue Reading…..

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Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani ‘butt dials’ reporter BBC News October 26, 2019 In the calls, Mr Giuliani reportedly spoke about needing money and attacked Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Mr Giuliani has not yet commented on the calls. Lawmakers demanded documents from Mr Giuliani earlier this month as part of the presidential impeachment inquiry. In the past he publicly admitted asking Ukrainian officials to investigate widely debunked corruption allegations against Mr Biden. Continue Reading…..

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Chris Wallace of Fox News Shocks Viewers with Anti-Trump Diatribe LifeZette October 26, 2019 Now that anchor Shep Smith has left the Fox News Channel, it seems Chris Wallace is the network’s new anti-Donald Trump mouthpiece. During an appearance on “America’s Newsroom” on Friday, Wallace blasted pro-Trump Republicans who are complaining about the impeachment inquiry while dismissing concerns from White House adviser Kellyanne Conway. Republicans stormed a closed-door impeachment hearing this week and are saying the impeachment probe is plagued by a lack of transparency. Continue Reading…..

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ENM NEWS October 26, 2019 ENM NEWS – Conservative lawyer and former GOP Senate candidate Larry Klayman is suing Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the Biden 2020 campaign because he thinks they got him banned from YouTube. A 10-page petition filed with a Palm Beach County court on Tuesday alleges that “Klayman’s YouTube channel was suspended and all of its contents were removed over a span of many years” by the Biden defendants—along with Biden’s campaign manager Kate Bedingfield. “This was done by YouTube as a result of undue and illegal political and other pressure and veiled threats from…

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