Author: Freedom Watch

Jane Fonda Arrested During Climate Protest Outside U.S. Capitol By Neil Vigdor New York Times October 12, 2019 Jane Fonda was arrested outside the United States Capitol on Friday as part of a climate change protest, a high-profile act of civil disobedience by the Oscar-winning actress and Vietnam War objector, who said that she planned to reprise her role every Friday for the rest of the year. Ms. Fonda, 81, was among 16 people charged with unlawfully demonstrating on the East Front of the Capitol, a misdemeanor under a Washington law prohibiting protesters from obstructing public building entrances,…

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By Larry Klayman WND October 11, 2019 Last Tuesday, an arbitrator for the arbitration service JAMS — which large entertainment companies like to insert into their agreements with talent as arbitration services are inclined to protect large vested interests — almost one year after a federal court referred the case to JAMS, issued an allegedly dishonest or grossly negligent decision dismissing the claims filed by Jackie Beard Robinson, a fashionista who had joint ventured with the star of “Housewives of New Jersey” Melissa Gorga. Mrs. Robinson is my client. After the joint venture came to an unfortunate end, Gorga…

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Chris Wallace scolds Newt Gingrich for calling impeachment inquiry ‘unconstitutional’ Washington Examiner October 11, 2019 Fox News host Chris Wallace chided former House Speaker Newt Gingrich for calling the current impeachment effort against President Trump “unconstitutional.” Wallace appeared on America’s Newsroom with host Sandra Smith on Friday to react to Gingrich’s comments from earlier on the show. Gingrich had called House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry unconstitutional and said the “coup” against Trump would backfire. “Nancy Pelosi is simply carrying out what is an unconstitutional coup d’etat in effort to use the power of the Congress to change the outcome…

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Trump loses it on Fox News: Polls ‘Suck’, Napolitano is ‘Terrible’, Donna Brazile was ‘Fired From CNN’ �������� The Savage Nation The Savage Nation October 11, 2019 MEDIAITE: President Donald Trump slammed Fox News on Thursday for the network’s new poll showing a majority of the country’s registered voters want him impeached and removed from office. Fox’s latest shock poll shows a jump in support for impeachment, with 51 percent of voters supporting the move while 43 percent remain opposed. Trump has complained in the past about the unfavorable polling data Fox has produced, and on Thursday he…

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Carter Page frustrated he hasn’t been interviewed in IG probe By Gregg Re Fox News October 11, 2019 Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Tom Dupree says Horowitz’s criminal referral for former FBI Director Jim Comey is a ‘major bombshell.’ Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page confirmed to Fox News on Thursday that he has not been interviewed by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz as part of his probe into potential surveillance abuses by intelligence officials during the Russia investigation. Page told Fox News that he is frustrated that he has had no input in Horowitz’s review,…

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New York Times October 10, 2019 Aides to both Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Barr declined requests for comment on the meeting. The visit took place as the impeachment inquiry into Mr. Trump by House Democrats has gathered momentum. Mr. Barr has emerged as a key defender of the president’s concerns about the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Mr. Barr was criticized in the spring for his handling of the report by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, before it was released publicly. Mr. Trump has sought out Mr. Murdoch’s opinion on a wide range of…

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Trump lashes out over Fox News poll that shows majority support his impeachment NBC News October 10, 2019 President Donald Trump expressed his displeasure Thursday with a Fox News poll that found a majority of registered voters believe he should be impeached — a record high in the survey. The poll came after House Democrats opened an impeachment inquiry into the president over his call to have his Ukrainian counterpart investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, a top political rival. “From the day I announced I was running for President, I have NEVER had a good @FoxNews Poll,”…

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George Conway and other prominent conservatives call for ‘expeditious’ impeachment probe Washington Post October 10, 2019 The 16 attorneys, many of whom worked in Republican administrations, wrote in a joint statement to be released Thursday morning that Trump’s now infamous call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the text messages between diplomats and Trump’s public call for China to investigate a political opponent are “undisputed” events that amount to Trump violating his oath of office. “We have not just a political candidate open to receiving foreign assistance to better his chances at winning an election, but a current president…

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