Author: Freedom Watch

Opinion | Trump has done plenty to warrant impeachment. But the Ukraine allegations are over the top. By George T. Conway III, Neal Katyal Washington Post September 22, 2019 Among the most delicate choices the framers made in drafting the Constitution was how to deal with a president who puts himself above the law. To address that problem, they chose the mechanism of impeachment and removal from office. And they provided that this remedy could be used when a president commits “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” That last phrase — “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” —…

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Biden goes hard after Trump in Iowa over Ukraine accusations By Natasha Korecki, Elena Schneider POLITICO September 21, 2019 DES MOINES — Joe Biden moved quickly under an arch of balloons and a marching band, past an ice cream truck and dozens of supporters — then he lit into Donald Trump. At the Polk County Steak Fry, one of the biggest political affairs of the year here, where presidential candidates work to woo Iowa caucus goers, Biden’s early order of business instead was first to wrest control of a burgeoning scandal involving Trump and the Ukraine. Continue Reading…..

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JW Files New Ethics Complaint Against Ilhan Omar – Judicial Watch Judicial Watch September 21, 2019 Our powerful and secretive spy agencies were unleashed, and the Justice Department and the FBI is making it difficult for us and even Congress to get to the bottom of it. We sued for one key record which led to the initiation of the counterintelligence investigation of President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:19-cv-02743)). Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO ORDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TO COMMENCE INVESTIGATION OF REP. ILHAN OMAR…

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By Larry Klayman WND September 20, 2019 This week saw the likely end of two adversarial Middle Eastern regimes. Ironically, this occurred in countries that could not be more diametrically different and opposed to each other. The first was of course Israel, where for many years its eloquent but “hot air” filled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has threatened strong decisive action against the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has continually threatened to destroy not just Israel, kill all Jews and by extension Christians, but also destroy the “Great Satan,” the United States. In the Israeli elections this week, Netanyahu’s…

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American Jews may wish booting Netanyahu will fix Israel’s problems. It won’t. – The Washington Post By Mairav Zonszein Washington Post September 20, 2019 Although Benjamin Netanyahu lost Tuesday’s election, it’s too early to tell whether he will be cast out of Israeli politics after a record 10 straight years as prime minister. Israel’s do-over election resulted in a deadlock between Netanyahu’s Likud and the anti-Netanyahu Likud spinoff Blue and White party, led by former military chief of staff Benny Gantz, who looks increasingly likely to be Israel’s next prime minister. The fact that Netanyahu failed to secure…

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Christopher Ruddy to Newsmax TV: Trump Won’t Play Iran’s Game By Eric Mack Newsmax September 20, 2019 The maximum economic pressure campaign is working against Iran, which is now trying desperately to draw President Donald Trump into an escalation he just will not give in to, according to Newsmax CEO Christopher Ruddy on Thursday. “Obviously, I think the sanctions are working, that’s why they keep acting out,” Ruddy told Newsmax TV’s “Newsmax Now.” “I think they would like to have a larger escalation, and I think the president’s saying, ‘Hey, I’m not going to necessarily play your game…

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Rep. Meadows on upcoming IG report: ‘James Comey’s problems are just now starting’ By Joshua Nelson Fox News September 19, 2019 North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows says it is time to hold former FBI Director James Comey accountable. Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told “America’s Newsroom” on Thursday that former FBI Director James Comey needs to be held accountable for his previous “inconsistencies” and “lack of candor and transparency” with President Trump. “James Comey’s problems are just now starting,” Meadows said when addressing the upcoming release of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the FBI’s alleged…

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House asked to probe Omar’s funding of paramour – WND By WND Staff WND September 19, 2019 Judicial Watch is asking the House to probe Ilhan Omar’s use of campaign funds for paramour Tim Mynett as well as allegations of marriage, immigration, tax and identity fraud. Judicial Watch points to mounting evidence that Omar married her brother in an immigration scheme and perjured herself as many as eight times in statements to obtain a divorce. In a hand-delivered a letter to the U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics, Judicial Watch says Mynett received nearly $230,000 from…

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