Author: Freedom Watch

The latest on the Saudi oil attacks CNN September 17, 2019 US investigators have determined “with very high probability” that the attack on the Saudi oil industry was launched from an Iranian base, according to a source familiar with the investigation. What the US is saying: Trump has insisted he doesn’t want a war with Iran, all the while talking up America’s military might. About the attack: It knocked out almost half of Saudi Arabia’s oil capacity. Oil prices skyrocketed after the attack, but sharply dropped today. Continue Reading…..

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NYT updates Kavanaugh ‘bombshell’ to note accuser doesn’t recall alleged assault By Gregg Re Fox News September 16, 2019 Beto O’Rourke gives his take on the latest sexual assault allegation against a Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh. The New York Times suddenly made a major revision to a supposed bombshell piece late Sunday concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh — hours after virtually all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates had cited the original article as a reason to impeach Kavanaugh. Continue Reading…..

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Omar responds to family of 9/11 victim who called her out at anniversary ceremony By Zack Budryk TheHill September 15, 2019 Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on Sunday responded to a family member of a 9/11 victim who called her out on the anniversary of the attacks, saying she intended to highlight civil rights violations. “9/11 was an attack on all Americans. It was an attack on all of us, and I certainly could not understand the weight of the pain that the families of the victims of 9/11 must feel,” Omar said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” Continue…

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Lindsey Graham warns FISA court to ‘take corrective action’ after being ‘misled’ by Steele dossier Washington Examiner September 15, 2019 Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham warned the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that it needs to “take corrective action” after being “misled” by the Justice Department and FBI through their use of British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s unverified dossier. During a radio interview with Sean Hannity on Friday, after it was announced that DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz had submitted to Attorney General William Barr a draft of his report on abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the…

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How Fox News lets the Trump family off the hook for profiting off the presidency By Aaron Rupar Vox September 15, 2019 During a Friday morning interview on Fox & Friends, Donald Trump Jr. was asked if the Trump family is profiting off his office. He responded by lying. The question really isn’t a matter of opinion. The fact of the matter is that following Donald Trump’s precedent-breaking decision not to divest from his business interests, the Trump family is financially benefitting from his office — not necessarily intentionally, but benefitting nevertheless. Trump has claimed he loses “billions…

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Graham: US should consider strike on Iranian oil refineries after attack on Saudi Arabia By Tal Axelrod TheHill September 15, 2019 Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a prominent foreign policy hawk, said the U.S. should consider striking Iranian oil refineries in response to new attacks on Saudi oil refineries by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. “It is now time for the U.S. to put on the table an attack on Iranian oil refineries if they continue their provocations or increase nuclear enrichment,” Graham tweeted. “Iran will not stop their misbehavior until the consequences become more real, like attacking their refineries, which…

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Trey Gowdy: Feds must be cautious with McCabe after Greg Craig acquittal By Charles Creitz Fox News September 15, 2019 If the federal government chooses to bring charges against fired former FBI Deputy Director and current CNN contributor Andrew McCabe, they must make sure they have an impenetrable case, according to Trey Gowdy. Last week’s acquittal of former Obama White House counsel Gregory Craig shows it is difficult to find a conviction in similar cases, Gowdy claimed Friday on “Hannity.” Continue Reading…..

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Andrew McCabe Hasn’t Been Indicted, a Sign That Case May Be in Jeopardy By Aruna Viswanatha and Byron Tau WSJ September 14, 2019 Andrew McCabe hasn’t been indicted for allegedly lying to federal investigators, according to an email from his attorney asking prosecutors to drop the probe, a sign that the government’s case against the FBI’s former No. 2 official may be in jeopardy. The email is the latest development in days of uncertainty about whether Mr. McCabe, who drew repeated criticism from President Trump during the U.S. criminal probe into Russian election interference, would face criminal charges…

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By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News September 14, 2019 “Real Time” host Bill Maher mocked MSNBC’s “Never Trump” hosts and analysts for going “very far left” during the Trump era. During the “Overtime” segment of Friday night’s show, Maher asked former RNC chairman and MSNBC political analyst Michael Steele about the “roster” of former Republican politicians and operatives that appear on the network, invoking former Bush official-turned-MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace and former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt. “We only see Never Trumpers,” Maher began. “We see people like you on TV. And Nicolle Wallace. And Steve Schmidt. You’re a Never Trumper,…

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