Author: Freedom Watch

By Larry Klayman RenewAmerica September 13, 2019 President Ronald Reagan, perhaps our greatest modern day president, had this to say when talking about the government: “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” If you fellow patriots have not learned this lesson by now, then the nation is doomed for extinction. And this is why it is not in my psyche to ask the government to do anything anymore, save for national defense and law and order. It is because of this that I can no longer watch cable…

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US attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe, as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal By Jake Gibson Fox News September 12, 2019 U.S. Attorney Jessie Liu has recommended moving forward with charges against Andrew McCabe, Fox News has learned, as the Justice Department rejects a last-ditch appeal from the former top FBI official and current CNN contributor. McCabe — the former deputy and acting director of the FBI — appealed the decision of the U.S. attorney for Washington all the way up to Jeffrey Rosen, the deputy attorney general, but he rejected that request, according to a person familiar…

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Jim Jordan expects DOJ inspector general to find Carter Page FISA warrants illegally obtained Washington Examiner September 12, 2019 Rep. Jim Jordan said he expects Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to report that all four Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants against one-time Trump campaign aide Carter Page were illegally obtained. The Ohio Republican was asked for a “yes or no prediction” at the end of an interview on Fox News host Sean Hannity’s show Monday night. “I think he will. Michael Horowitz does good work,” Jordan said. Continue Reading…..

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Trump Flirts With $15 Billion Bailout for Iran, Sources Say The Daily Beast September 12, 2019 President Donald Trump has left the impression with foreign officials, members of his administration, and others involved in Iranian negotiations that he is actively considering a French plan to extend a $15 billion credit line to the Iranians if Tehran comes back into compliance with the Obama-era nuclear deal. Trump has in recent weeks shown openness to entertaining President Emmanuel Macron’s plan, according to four sources with knowledge of Trump’s conversations with the French leader. Two of those sources said that State…

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Judicial Watch: New State Department Documents Reveal Last-Minute Efforts by Obama State Department to Undermine President Trump – Judicial Watch Judicial Watch September 9, 2019 (Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today released 90 pages of heavily redacted U.S. Department of State documents showing Obama State Department officials’ efforts to disseminate classified information to multiple U.S. Senators immediately prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration. The information, which included raw intelligence, purported to show “malign” Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Among the senators receiving the classified documents were Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Sen.…

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Jim Jordan… ‘We need to figure out who’s ‘going to jail’… By Kane Citizen Free Press September 9, 2019 As Democrats return to Capitol Hill to relaunch their impeachment proceedings against President Trump, Jim Jordan questions why Inspector General Michael Horowitz is not being called to testify on his ‘scathing’ Comey report. Continue Reading…..

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Dutch-far-right leader Geert Wilders tweets, then deletes photo with senator Lindsey Graham By Brendan Cole Newsweek September 9, 2019 A tweeted image of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham smiling with far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders was deleted soon after it appeared on social media. Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid or PVV) in the Netherlands, posted the image of the pair at the annual security conference, the Ambrosetti Forum, in Italy’s Lake Como on Saturday. Continue Reading…..

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Roy Moore Says Muslims Can’t Hold Public Office. As Usual, He’s Wrong. Americans United for Separation of Church and State September 9, 2019 Nothing in the Constitution requires any public official to swear an oath on the Bible, nor is that document based on “the God of the Holy Scriptures.” It is a charter for secular government. Let’s look at the relevant passage. Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution deals only with the Oath of Office to be taken by the president. It reads, “Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the…

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Trump’s wall: It doesn’t exist, and even the GOP is backing away Salon September 9, 2019 “Bases come and bases go.” That was the ominous warning recently delivered to President Trump by Lou Dobbs, perhaps Trump’s loudest media sycophant. “His base is expecting a wall. They’re expecting illegal immigration to be stopped,” Dobbs explained on his Fox Business Network show. “But, my God, November 2020 is nearing at an alarming rate!” Since his 2017 inauguration, not one new mile of Trump’s border wall has gone up. Continue Reading…..

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