Author: Freedom Watch

Could the End of the World Be Brought On By…Israeli Submarines? By Kyle Mizokami The National Interest September 3, 2019 Israel’s submarine corps is a tiny force with a big open secret: in all likelihood, it is armed with nuclear weapons. The five Dolphin-class submarines represent an ace in the hole for Israel, the ultimate guarantor of the country’s security, ensuring that if attacked with nukes, the tiny nation can strike back in kind. Israel’s first nuclear weapons were completed by the early 1970s, and deployed among both free-fall aircraft bombs and Jericho ballistic missiles. The 1991 Persian…

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By Mark Silverberg Israel National News September 3, 2019 Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan both freshmen Democratic Congresswomen have built their reputations on delegitimizing the Jewish state and working towards its destruction. They were not good-faith actors earnestly seeking to visit the Holy Land to learn about its people, history and culture. If their intention was to see the facts on the ground for what they are, they could have easily joined 72 of their fellow new Democratic and Republican House members who visited Israel recently as part of a Congressional delegation. Instead, they…

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By Scott Johnson Power Line September 3, 2019 Of all the scandals in which Ilhan Omar is enmeshed, one might think the Daily Mail’s revelation this past July of her affair with political consultant Tim Mynett would be the least of them. The news last week of Beth Mynett’s divorce filing, however, has begun to disillusion a Somali community that has taken Omar at face value. Not cool — not cool at all, and it has thrown Omar off her game. Omar’s denial of the affair is a lie that is both obvious and bald-faced. She has therefore run…

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London mayor Sadiq Khan rips Trump for managing Hurricane Dorian emergency response while ‘out on the golf course’ By Danielle Wallace Fox News September 3, 2019 The mayor of London renewed his public feud with President Trump over the weekend by mocking the president for canceling a trip to Poland to commemorate the start of World War II only to deal with emergency response to Hurricane Dorian “on the golf course.” London Mayor Sadiq Khan, who traveled to Poland over the weekend for a ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, told…

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Brit Hume: IG’s Report About Comey Is A Big Deal, Adds To Suspicion About Russia Probe Real Clear Politics September 3, 2019 FOX News analyst Brit Hume talks about the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report about the actions of former FBI Director James Comey during the Russia probe: CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS: Well, in a blistering report, the I.G. said that Comey set a, quote, dangerous example for the entire FBI and then he added this, that his, Comey’s, own personal conception of what was necessary was not an appropriate basis for ignoring the policies and agreements…

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Trump went golfing as Hurricane Dorian threatens US By Allie Malloy CNN September 2, 2019 Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump spent Monday visiting his Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, and tweeting political grievances as a massive hurricane prepares to barrel up the East Coast of the United States. Trump’s visit to Trump National marked the 289th day he has spent at a Trump property and the 227th day he has spent at one of his golf clubs as President. President Donald Trump golfs at his Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia on Monday, September 2, 2019.…

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The Pope Walks Into An Elevator. He Gets Stuck For 25 Minutes. September 2, 2019 Pope Francis delivers his blessing during the noon prayer from the window of his studio overlooking St.Peter’s Square on Sunday. Francis told the crowd that before his address, he had been stuck in an elevator for 25 minutes, causing him to be late. Alessandra Tarantino/AP The pope was running late. For seven excruciating minutes, thousands of gatherers on Sunday in St Peter’s Square in Vatican City were anxiously waiting for Pope Francis to show up for his weekly address, which usually starts,…

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Ilhan Omar: ‘We Have to Bring in the UN’ to Deal with Border Crisis Homeland Security September 2, 2019 The wise and statesmanlike Democrat congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, demonstrating yet again her determination to protect and defend the citizens of the United States, has come up with a new idea to safeguard the security of American citizens: place the border and migration crisis in the hands of the resolutely fair and impartial United Nations. Yeah, that’ll work. “We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way,” said Omar. “So…

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GOP Judiciary member predicts Horowitz FISA report will lead to indictments Washington Examiner September 2, 2019 Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s investigation into alleged abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the DOJ and FBI will result in indictments, a Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee said Sunday. Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona made the prediction on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, discussing Horowitz’s report last week FBI Director James Comey’s mishandling and leaking of memos on conversations he’d had with President Trump to spur the appointment of a special counsel. Biggs accused Comey of…

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