Author: Freedom Watch

The Patriot Watchdog September 2, 2019 (Gateway Pundit) — Rep. Ilhan Omar publicly tweeted support for a group who is known to finance terrorism earlier this week. The tweet went largely unnoticed until the Times of Israel picked up on it. Somali government and peacekeeping forces, need to protect @Hormuud and the Somali telecom industry as they make enormous contribution to the economy and provide vital services. Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO ORDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TO COMMENCE INVESTIGATION OF REP. ILHAN OMAR Click to View PDF PETITION TO COMMENCE DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS FOR REMOVAL…

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By Ariel David September 2, 2019 Archaeologists have uncovered the massive walls of a 2,200-year-old Hellenistic fortification that may have been built by the Seleucid general who defeated Judah the Maccabee, the famed Jewish leader at the center of the Hanukkah story. In an unexpected twist, the discovery could also help identify the location of the biblical town of Emmaus, where the Gospels say Jesus made his first appearance after being crucified and resurrected. Since 2017, a Franco-Israeli expedition has been digging at Kiriath Yearim, a hill overlooking the approach to Jerusalem a few kilometers west of the…

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By Larry Klayman WND September 1, 2019 The last week in particular underscores exactly what I have been saying for many years! The latest outrage by our so-called Department of Justice (DOJ) — which, do not be fooled, is compromised to the core by the Deep State — is to again let former FBI Director James Comey go into the sunset scot free. Instead of recommending that he be indicted for releasing classified information into the public domain — as part of his slimy and successful scheme to trigger a special counsel investigation of falsely alleged Russian collusion by…

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Yellowhammer News September 1, 2019 Last week at its summer meeting in Auburn, the Alabama Republican Party passed a resolution encouraging the state’s congressional delegation to call for the expulsion of U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the U.S. Congress. When the resolution attracted national media attention, Omar responded on social media and said if the Alabama Republican Party wanted to clean up politics, it should have reconsidered nominating “an accused child molester” as its U.S. Senate candidate, apparently referring to former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore, the GOP nominee for the 2017 U.S. Senate special election.…

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The Fake Feud Between Trump and Fox By Jack Shafer POLITICO Magazine August 31, 2019 Not for nothing was Donald Trump inducted into the WWE wrestling hall of fame in 2013. The man knows how to stage a fake fight—like his current brawl with the Fox News Channel. On Wednesday, he mounted a three-tweet attack on Rupert Murdoch’s channel. He savaged it for covering the Democrats, for hiring Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, for keeping Juan Williams and Shep Smith on the payroll, and he invited its viewers to stop watching his once-favorite channel. “The New @FoxNews is letting…

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A Creepy Look Inside Ammon Bundy’s Oregon Occupation By Anthony McCann The Daily Beast August 31, 2019 As December wore on, more denizens of Ammon’s and Ryan’s patriot’s FaceWorld were trickling into the county. Some of these folks were of considerably different temperament than mild-mannered Ammon. Jon Ritzheimer was one of the more widely known and more troubling of these newcomers. Before coming to Burns, the young Iraq War veteran had ended up on the national news for leading an armed protest outside a Muslim community center in his home state of Arizona. At the rally he’d sported…

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