Author: Freedom Watch

New report details Comey plan to ambush Trump with Moscow sex allegation Washington Examiner August 30, 2019 A just-released Justice Department inspector general’s report provides new details on a January 2017 plan by then-FBI Director James Comey, top bureau officials, and the nation’s intelligence chiefs to spring a scandalous allegation on President-elect Trump, quickly record his reaction, use a prearranged secure videoconference to discuss the information, and fit it all into the FBI’s ongoing (but unknown to Trump) “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation. The allegation came from the Steele dossier, the collection of unverified tales about Trump and Russia compiled…

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By Mohammad Tawhidi Times of Israel August 30, 2019 Rep. Ilhan Omar has publicly declared her support for a notorious organization known for its terrorist leadership and financing of terrorism. But it almost went unnoticed, until the tweet was brought to my attention. On the 26th of August, Rep. Ilhan Omar made the following tweet: Somali government and peacekeeping forces, need to protect @Hormuud and the Somali telecom industry as they make enormous contribution to the economy and provide vital services. Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO ORDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TO COMMENCE INVESTIGATION OF…

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Rashida Tlaib Sued For $2 Million By Elliot Resnick Jewish Press August 30, 2019 Laura Loomer — a political firebrand who’s running for Congress as a Republican in Florida’s 21st congressional district next year — has just sued Rep. Rashida Tlaib for $2 million for allegedly assaulting her at a campaign event last year. In a video available online, Tlaib is seen grabbing Loomer’s phone as she tries asking her if she considers Hamas to be a terrorist organization. “If you watch the video, she not only grabbed my cell phone, but she actually grabbed my hand,” Loomer…

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‘This place is only for Jews’: The West Bank’s apartheid springs By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac August 30, 2019 What could be more idyllic than the sight of a natural bubbling spring amid craggy boulders, welling up from the hills, its crystalline waters flowing silently into a small pool where people are cavorting in delight? What could be more innocent than parents and children splashing about in a natural pond of greenish water, the gurgling of the water mingling with yelps of joy? And what could be more moving than the sign next to one of…

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Rod Rosenstein shades Comey, rips MSNBC and CNN pundits after IG report released By Sam Dorman Fox News August 30, 2019 The DOJ inspector general releases a report on former FBI Director James Comey’s handling of the Russia probe; Catherine Herridge breaks down the details. Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein took an apparent shot at former FBI Director James Comey on Twitter Thursday and derided commentators from CNN and MSNBC following the release of the Justice Department inspector general’s report. While Rosenstein didn’t explicitly mention Comey, his initial tweet quoted a letter in which he cautioned against…

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Investigative Reporter Laura Loomer’s Lawsuit Against Big Tech for Banning Her Allowed to Proceed | The Stream By Rachel Alexander The Stream August 29, 2019 Big tech, it’s notorious. For what? For banning and suspending people on the right. These supposedly objective platforms have a clear political agenda. And it’s not friendly to conservatism. One person refusing to take this prejudice lying down is investigative journalist Laura Loomer. She recently filed a lawsuit against Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter for conspiring to silence her political views. She has been banned from, you won’t believe this. From Twitter. And…

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Fox News Stars Push Back as Trump Demands Loyalty: We Don’t ‘Work for You’ The Daily Beast August 28, 2019 Several Fox News personalities pushed back Wednesday against President Donald Trump after he escalated his public attacks on the right-leaning outlet for its occasional anti-Trump voices. In the middle of a typically chaotic tweetstorm spurred on by his morning TV viewing habits, the president took aim at Fox News anchor Sandra Smith for having the audacity to bring on the Democratic National Committee’s communications director Xochitl Hinojosa to discuss the upcoming Democratic primary debate. Continue Reading…..

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Trump Attacks Fox News By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax August 28, 2019 President Donald Trump ripped apart Fox News, declaring after Wednesday appearances on a morning show from prominent Democrats, the network is letting people down, commenting “we have to start looking for a new network.” In his tweets, Trump insisted he does not want to win the 2020 election for himself, but that “I only want to Win for the people. The New @FoxNews is letting millions of GREAT people down! We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!” The…

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By Brian Stelter, CNN Business CNN August 28, 2019 New York (CNN Business)President Trump took his complaints about Fox News, his biggest bastion of support on television, to a new level on Wednesday, claiming that the network “isn’t working for us anymore.” His tweets made explicit Trump’s long-held belief that Fox belongs to him and his supporters. Despite daily cheerleading from “Fox & Friends” in the morning all the way until “The Ingraham Angle” at night, Trump suggests that the network is not sufficiently loyal to him. “We have to start looking for a new News Outlet,” he tweeted…

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