Author: Freedom Watch

By Bob Unruh WND August 23, 2019 Investigative journalist Laura Loomer is filing a federal lawsuit against U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., who recently was refused entry by Israel for her allegiance to the BDS, boycott, divest and sanction movement that intends to destroy America’s prime Middle East ally. Loomer’s complaint for assault and battery was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Minnesota by Freedom Watch and its general counsel, Larry Klayman, a former federal prosecutor. Freedom Watch said the attack happened in 2018 when Tlaib was attending a campaign event in her state on…

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Leading House Dem calls out Omar and Tlaib amid Trump attack for furthering anti-Semitism with ‘vile’ cartoon By Sam Dorman Fox News August 23, 2019 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., called out members of both parties on Thursday, claiming they helped further anti-Semitism in the nation’s “political dialogue.” “The growing anti-Semitism in our political dialogue is repugnant,” Nadler said. He pointed to Trump’s comments about “disloyalty” in Jews who voted for Democrats, as well as a cartoon forwarded by two progressive congresswomen already in the news for a failed attempt to enter Israel. “[T]he Carlos Latuff cartoon…

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(Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 23, 2019). Today, Freedom Watch and its general counsel Larry Klayman, a former federal prosecutor, announced the filing of a complaint for alleged assault and battery and other discriminatory religious-based claims against Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota (Case No. 19-CV-2322), can be viewed at and is embedded below. The complaint further alleges that Tlaib, a vehement anti-Semite and vowed opponent of Israel’s right to exist, assaulted and battered conservative female Jewish journalist Laura Loomer during a campaign event in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for Tlaib’s…

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Laura Loomer Official August 22, 2019 Laura Loomer has won her appeal against Big Tech giants Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter, and will see her day against them in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. Loomer is suing the Big Tech giants for conspiring to suppress her speech because of her political views. Loomer has been banned from Facebook and Twitter. The District Court for the District of Columbia had dismissed Loomer’s lawsuit, but on appeal Loomer and the nonprofit group Freedom Watch prevailed over the Big Tech companies, which must now face Loomer at trial. Continue Reading…..

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Gregg Jarrett: Why the Trump-Russia phantasm will ultimately lead to a reckoning with justice By Gregg Jarrett Fox News August 22, 2019 Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett says these documents mean that the FBI knew Christopher Steele was a ‘phony’ from the beginning. Editor’s note: Gregg Jarrett’s forthcoming book is “Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History” This is the second in a series of excerpts. American citizens have a right to know what their government is doing. That is the law. The FBI routinely ignores the law. Continue Reading…..

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Sean Hannity Predicts He’ll Have a ‘Bad Accident’ Mediaite August 21, 2019 Fox News’ Sean Hannity crept into the conspiratorial on Tuesday night by suggesting — albeit with a laugh — that he fears a “mid-morning raid” on his house or “a bad accident in my life.” As Hannity concluded an interview with Lindsey Graham (R-SC) about Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s upcoming report, the senator complimented the Fox host on how “you’ve been right about most of” the Trump-Russia investigation. Continue Reading…..

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Conservative watchdog group hits senator with complaint for controversial Supreme Court brief Washington Examiner August 21, 2019 A nonprofit legal group has filed a complaint with the Rhode Island Supreme Court against Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse over a controversial brief that he and four other Democratic senators filed which some viewed as an attempt to bully the U.S. Supreme Court. Judicial Watch accused the Rhode Islander of practicing law without proper authorization when he filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the nation’s highest court in a gun case from New York. As an inactive member of his state’s bar, Whitehouse…

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Lou Dobbs rages as ‘goal posts’ move again for release of DOJ inspector general FISA abuse report Washington Examiner August 20, 2019 Lou Dobbs railed about shifting predictions regarding when the Justice Department will release the inspector general’s report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses. The Fox Business host began his Monday evening segment by criticizing Sen. Lindsey Graham, who said over the weekend the report is “coming out in weeks, not days, not months” and that he believes it will be “ugly and damning” for the DOJ because of its handling of the Russia investigation. “The…

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Trump suggests Dems’ Jewish voters lack knowledge or show ‘great disloyalty,’ amid Omar-Tlaib feud By Alex Pappas Fox News August 20, 2019 President Trump weighs in on progressive ‘Squad’ members’ feud with Israel. President Trump on Tuesday suggested Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats either lack the requisite knowledge or show “great disloyalty,” amid the escalation of the war of words with Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar over Israel. Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office about his feud with the two Muslim congresswomen, the president accused Tlaib and Omar of being anti-Semitic and argued they “hate”…

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