Author: Freedom Watch

Tlaib gets emotional as Omar calls for Congress to act over Israel travel restrictions By Alex Pappas Fox News August 19, 2019 Progressive ‘Squad’ members Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib hold news conference following canceled congressional trip to Israel. An emotional Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Monday held back tears during a news conference as she and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar condemned Israel’s recent decision to impose restrictions on visiting the country, with the Democrats calling for Congress to get involved. Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO ORDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TO COMMENCE…

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By Bianca Quilantan POLITICO August 19, 2019 President Donald Trump on Sunday slammed his preferred news network over recent unfavorable poll results, saying: “There’s something going on at Fox [News], I’ll tell you right now. And I’m not happy with it.” Trump’s comments to reporters in New Jersey were in response to a question about the network’s recent survey showing the president losing head-to-head matchups against four of the top Democratic presidential primary candidates. Trump said he didn’t “believe” the poll, adding: “Fox has changed. My worst polls have always been from Fox.” Continue Reading…..

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House Dems could retaliate against US and Israel ambassadors after banned visit: report By Alex Pappas Fox News August 18, 2019 Was Israel within its rights to ban Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib from entering their country? Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy says Israel was well within its rights to ban Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib from entering their country. House Democrats are reportedly considering retaliatory moves against two top American and Israeli diplomats in response to Israel’s decision to block Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib from entering the country. Continue…

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Tlaib hits back at Bill Maher for comments on BDS, compares Israel to apartheid South Africa By Bradford Betz Fox News August 18, 2019 Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., suggested Saturday that viewers boycott comedian Bill Maher’s HBO talk show after he devoted a segment of Friday’s program to bashing the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, calling it a “bulls— purity test.” “Maybe folks should boycott his show,” said Tlaib, who went on to compare criticism of the BDS movement to the controversy surrounding boycotts of South Africa’s apartheid regime in the 1970s and 1980s. Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT…

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Tlaib’s grandmother to Trump: ‘May God ruin’ you By Aris Folley TheHill August 18, 2019 The grandmother of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), did not mince words about President Trump in a recent interview after he roped her into a heated back and forth with her granddaughter following the Israeli government’s decision to bar her from entering the territory. “Trump tells me I should be happy Rashida is not coming. May God ruin him,” Muftia Tlaib said in an interview with Reuters released on Saturday morning. ‘May God ruin him.’ — This is how Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s grandmother responded…

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Ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone to speak in Belleview Ocala August 17, 2019 Marion County Republican Executive Committee event will be held at Pasta Faire on Wednesday. Stone will also be available to sign latest book. Roger Stone will be in Belleview next week to have lunch with the Marion County Republican Executive Committee. Stone, who was interviewed as part of Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, was indicted in January and charged with witness tampering, obstructing an official proceeding and five counts of making false statements. Continue Reading…..

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An Open Letter to Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith: Quit Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Now Mediaite August 17, 2019 Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith have achieved fame and fortune by being voices of relative reason in the opinion-dominated Fox News landscape, but the time has come for them to take a stand against the home of Tucker Carlson’s dangerous rhetoric, and take their talents elsewhere. The offenses of Fox News’ “opinion side” and ostensible “hard news side” are numerous and far-reaching, many of which have been catalogued on this site. They range from merely embarrassing falsehoods to dangerously…

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By Larry Klayman WND August 16, 2019 Sure the Clintons did not themselves go into the prison and kill Epstein, a criminal and witness who could have finally put the Clintons away for life. Instead, they likely had a Mafia hit man do it for them, as it is widely known that the Clintons do have ties to the Mafia. Some of their highest confidants and political advisers have known Mafia ties. This is no secret! I deposed some of them during the Clinton years. Epstein himself probably was Mafia. To this day, it is not known how Epstein…

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Opinion: No politician in living memory has been treated as badly as Ilhan Omar The Independent August 16, 2019 As a woman of colour who wears a headscarf, I am more wary than ever of life in America. Since Minnesota representative Ilhan Omar was elected to congress last year, Trump has been making racist attacks and inciting violence against her at every opportunity. I have watched the president of the United States, the man in charge of the most powerful nation on earth, tell Americans like me to return to the “crime infested places” from which we came.…

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