Author: Freedom Watch

By David French National Review August 16, 2019 This should be a national scandal. To the extent that I care at all about Israel blocking entry to two U.S. congresswomen who partner with anti-Semites who seek its destruction, I agree with critics who argue that Bibi Netanyahu should not appear to bow to Donald Trump’s tweeted demands and that blocking Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar from visiting Israel handed them a short-term propaganda victory. But that’s not the most important part of the story. The most important element of the story is the fact that two American congresswomen shunned…

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U.S. Attorney Launches Wildly Unprofessional Attack On Local District Attorney By Joe Patrice Above the Law August 16, 2019 There is certainly a time and a place for a U.S. Attorney to issue a press release about a local District Attorney. That time and place is when and if the federal government has secured an indictment of a local official who has committed a crime and even in that instance the press release must be limited to the four corners of the indictment. What is absolutely inappropriate for a sitting U.S. Attorney to launch a purely political attack…

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Washington Examiner August 16, 2019 An accusation of sexual assault against CNN host Don Lemon in the Hamptons last summer has been corroborated by a second man. Lemon was accused by Dustin Hice, who worked as a bartender at the time, of grabbing his own genitals and making sexually explicit comments to him. Hice filed suit against Lemon last week seeking unspecified damages resulting from the encounter. “He put his hands down his pants, inside his board shorts, grabbed his [genitals],” George Gounelas, Hice’s former boss who claims to have seen the whole encounter, told Fox News on Thursday.…

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Kevin McCarthy: ‘The Squad’ should have joined trip to Israel By Victor Garcia Fox News August 15, 2019 House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., appearing on “Special Report with Bret Baier” on Wednesday, explained his concerns about the Democrats moving away from Israel due to the influences of “new socialists,” in particular the group of freshman House members known as “The Squad.” McCarthy, who is on a bipartisan study tour in Israel, criticized “the Squad,” which comprises Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., for pushing Dems away from supporting Israel…

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Israel Denies Entry to Omar and Tlaib After Trump’s Call to Block Them New York Times August 15, 2019 Mr. Trump’s call to bar the two congresswomen was an extraordinary step to influence an allied nation and punish his political opponents at home. The two congresswomen, Representatives Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, both freshmen, are the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. Both are outspoken adversaries of Mr. Trump and have been vocal in their support of the Palestinians and the boycott-Israel movement. The president has targeted them in speeches and Twitter postings…

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Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump By Brie Stimson Fox News August 15, 2019 The BDS movement seeks to delegitimize the existence of Israel and progressive ‘Squad’ member Rep. Rashida Tlaib embraces that, says Dr. Qanta Ahmed, member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Israeli officials have decided to block U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from entering the country as part of a planned visit, a reversal that comes amid pressure from President Trump and concerns about their support for boycotts of Israel. The country’s deputy foreign minister Tzipi…

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(WASHINGTON, D.C., August 14, 2019) Today Larry Klayman and his client Sheriff Joe Arpaio issued the following statement about the recent controversy concerning CNN host Chris Cuomo, where he assaulted a Trump supporter by threatening to violently throw the Trump supporter down the stairs because he called Cuomo “Fredo.” The violent and legally actionable reaction by Cuomo was captured on video and has caused a media frenzy. Ironically, years ago Larry Klayman’s client Gennifer Flowers taped a telephone conversation with her paramour at the time, Governor Bill Clinton, where Clinton referred to his political opponent for the presidential nomination…

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By Liam Quinn Fox News August 14, 2019 CNN primetime host Don Lemon was accused of a bizarre, sexually charged assault of a bartender in New York’s tony Hamptons last year in a civil suit filed earlier this week. Dustin Hice, of Florida, stated in the lawsuit that he was living in the Hamptons and working at The Old Stove Pub in Sagaponack during the summer of 2018. On July 15, after closing, Hice claimed he left with the owner and co-workers to party at another bar, Murf’s Backstreet Tavern, in Sag Harbor, where they saw Lemon. Recognizing the…

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August 13, 2019 FREEDOM WATCH OPENS INVESTIGATION OF EPSTEIN MURDER! BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON NUMBER ONE SUSPECTS! President Trump is Right! Dear Fellow Patriot and Freedom Fighter: The apparent murder of Jeffrey Epstein last weekend — a felon who along with Bill Clinton and hordes of other “beautiful” people, sexually abused and exploited underage girls for their perverted sexual pleasure — came as no surprise. Murdered in a federal prison, when he was supposed to be on “suicide watch,” can only be explained by realizing that this was likely a “Mafia Hit.” The number one user and abuser of…

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