Author: Freedom Watch

Beto O’Rourke Blames Trump for Recent Mass Murders By Eric Mack Newsmax August 5, 2019 After a spate of mass shootings this weekend, Democratic presidential primary candidate Beto O’Rourke, who is from El Paso, Texas, is pointing the finger directly at President Donald Trump. “We have to acknowledge the hatred, the open racism that we’re seeing,” O’Rourke told CNN’s “State of the Union.” “There is an environment of it in the United States. We see it on Fox News; we see it on the Internet; and we see it from our commander-in-chief. He is encouraging this. “He doesn’t…

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Jihad Watch August 4, 2019 Freshman Minnesota Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar, in an apparent bid to keep a Twitter feud alive with President Trump, tweeted a photo of herself posing with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at the “Door of No Return” on the coast of Ghana. Part of a 15-member Congressional Black Caucus junket ( funded presumably by US tax dollars), they have been in Ghana to “mark ‘The Year of Return’ and the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the first enslaved Africans in Jamestown Virginia,” according to Pelosi. The Door of No Return, a part…

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Rashida Tlaib silent on constituent targeted by BDS threats and vandalism Washington Examiner August 4, 2019 On July 23, the House voted 398-17 in favor of bipartisan House Resolution 246, condemning the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel and noting that BDS “seeks to exclude the State of Israel and the Israeli people from the economic, cultural, and academic life of the rest of the world.” H.R. 246’s sponsor, Rep. Brad Schneider, D-Illinois, warned that those who support BDS “[understand] what they believe the movement does without fully understanding the impact of it.” Continue Reading…..

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Opinion | AOC’s Criticism Of Israel And Fight For Refugees Proves She’s The Leader Young Jews Waited For By Abe Silberstein The Forward August 3, 2019 AOC can serve the same function for the American Jewish left, an eloquent non-Jewish standard-bearer for its ideas who straddles the divides. Only time will tell if this is something she seeks, but she has already unified a rather disparate group of American Jews behind her desire to challenge the strictures of discourse. The views and opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of…

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By Larry Klayman WND August 2, 2019 With the exit of former Attorney General Jeff Beauregard Sessions and the “anointment” of new Attorney General William “Bill” Barr, many conservative talk-show hosts and pundits — and one public-interest watchdog in particular, which seeks and boasts of the documents it receives from the government — were quick to promise that justice was just around the corner for the likes of former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI General Counsel James Baker, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, former FBI special agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, aka “The Lovebirds,” former deputy…

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DOJ will not prosecute Comey for leaking memos after IG referral: sources By Brooke Singman Fox News August 1, 2019 The Justice Department has decided against prosecuting former FBI Director James Comey for leaking classified information following a referral from the department’s inspector general, sources familiar with the deliberations told Fox News. “Everyone at the DOJ involved in the decision said it wasn’t a close call,” one official said. “They all thought this could not be prosecuted.” Continue Reading…..

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Justice Dept. won’t prosecute James Comey over handling of FBI memos, despite watchdog referral By Evan Perez, CNN Justice Correspondent CNN August 1, 2019 Washington (CNN)The Justice Department inspector general’s office referred former FBI Director James Comey for potential prosecution over his handling of memos that the FBI later determined contained classified information, a person familiar with the matter confirmed Thursday. But Justice Department prosecutors declined to prosecute Comey, in part because they didn’t believe there was evidence to show Comey knew and intended to violate laws on handling classified information. Continue Reading…..

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Obama tweets op-ed by members of his administration criticizing Trump Mail Online July 29, 2019 Former President Barack Obama tweeted a link to a scathing op-ed denouncing current President Donald Trump as wielding ‘racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia.’ Under the headline, ‘We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by,’ 149 African American members of the Obama administration proclaimed that they ‘refuse to sit idly by’ during ‘the poisoning of our democracy,’ and Obama seemingly signaled his agreement. Continue Reading…..

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Tlaib defends Israel boycott, would expand it to Saudi Arabia and Egypt New York Post July 28, 2019 ��������WASHINGTON — Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Sunday defended the economic boycott of Israel as a freedom of speech movement that’s “pushing back against racist policies in Israel.” Last week, 398 House members overwhelmingly passed a resolution to oppose the BDS movement, with Tlaib casting one of the 17 “no” votes. ��������”It is a form of freedom of speech. But people want to dismiss it (BDS movement) because they’re trying to say it’s anti-Semitism,” Tliab told CNN’s “State of the Union.”…

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