Author: Freedom Watch

Tucker Carlson blasts Rep. Ilhan Omar, and she calls him a ‘racist fool’ By Brian Stelter, CNN Business CNN July 10, 2019 New York (CNN Business)Rep. Ilhan Omar called Fox host Tucker Carlson a “racist fool” on Tuesday night after Carlson tore into her and claimed she “hates this country.” Carlson blasted Omar for her critiques of the United States and said the congresswoman is “living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country.” Omar was born in Somalia. Her family had to flee during the country’s civil war. After four years in…

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WND July 9, 2019 Conservative commentator and activist Laura Loomer has filed a lawsuit against Facebook alleging defamation and “malicious’ actions that have harmed her and her reputation, seeking a penalty of $3 billion to punish the company. The lawsuit was announced by Larry Klayman, a former federal prosecutor and more recently the founder of Freedom Watch. The complaint was filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida and alleges “that Facebook and its wholly owned sister company Instagram, in banning Ms. Loomer from the social media sites, maliciously defamed her by publishing that she is…

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WND July 9, 2019 Former President Bill Clinton’s insistence that he “knows nothing” of the alleged crimes of Jeffrey Epstein is a lie, contends an investigative journalist who first broke the Epstein story a decade ago. Conchita Sarnoff, the executive director of Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking and the author of “Trafficking,” told Fox News on Monday night that pilot logs show Clinton traveled 27 times on Epstein’s private jet — not four as the former president stated — and on nearly every trip there were underage girls. She was reacting to Clinton’s statement, issued through a spokesman…

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Appeals court rules Trump violated First Amendment by blocking Twitter users By Ronn Blitzer Fox News July 9, 2019 Reaction and analysis from Freedom Caucus chair Rep. Mark Meadows and Judiciary Committee member Rep. Jim Jordan on ‘Hannity.’ A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that President Trump is not allowed to block people on Twitter over statements he does not like, affirming a lower court’s decision that declared the president’s account a “public forum.” In a Tuesday decision, the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals noted that because Trump uses Twitter to communicate with the public about his administration,…

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Hannity: ‘Deep wounds’ divide the Democrats By Victor Garcia Fox News July 9, 2019 Biden slams Trump’s diplomatic efforts, claims there would have been no Russian election interference ‘on my watch.’ Fox News’ Sean Hannity highlighted the very public infighting between Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., saying “this is all going to get worse” before the 2020 elections. “Look at the feud erupting right now between Speaker-In-Name-Only Pelosi and, well, the Speaker-In-Reality, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” he said. Hannity pointed out a New York Times column by Maureen Dowd where Pelosi criticized…

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Freedom Watch TV July 8, 2019 Larry Klayman and his dedicated team at Freedom Watch put together this historic Citizens Grand Jury. With this, the people of the United States take back the power bestowed upon us by the founding fathers of this nation. If the Justice Department will not, citizens must hold Robert Mueller accountable for his gross constitutional violations. In part one, Larry briefs the jurors with regard to their duties and describes how the grand jury will proceed.

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By Chris Mills Rodrigo TheHill July 8, 2019 President Trump slammed Fox News and its reporting in a series of tweets Sunday evening, claiming the conservative-leaning network is “changing fast” and forgetting “the people who got them there.” “Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams,” the president said. “But @FoxNews, who failed in getting the very BORING Dem debates, is now loading up with Democrats & even using Fake unsourced @nytimes as a ‘source’ of information (ask the Times what they paid for the Boston Globe, & what they…

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Tlaib to Pelosi: ‘Focus’ on McConnell instead of bashing progressives By Ronn Blitzer Fox News July 7, 2019 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly had a tense meeting with Democrats who feel the emergency border funding bill does not do enough to address the humanitarian crisis. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., had a message for Nancy Pelosi, after the House speaker dismissed her and other progressives in a recent New York Times interview: Go after Mitch McConnell instead. Continue Reading…..

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