Author: Freedom Watch

By Jenny Singer The Forward July 2, 2019 “Wonder Woman” star and international sweetheart Gal Gadot is always talking about Israel — the hummus! The people! The hand-to-hand combat training! So. Is this some kind of public relations strategy, a journalist for the Israeli tabloid Walla asked Gadot this week? Perhaps a Zionist scheme? “No!” Gadot said in Hebrew, shaking her head and laughing. “If anything, it’s just that I get so many anti-Semitic messages and reactions. It’s just — this is who I am. I believe we have no place to hide or lie.” “Israel is very important…

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Calif. Begins Removing 5 Million Inactive Voters on Its Rolls | RealClearPolitics Real Clear Politics July 1, 2019 Los Angeles County has started the process of removing from its registration rolls an estimated 1.5 million inactive voters who have moved, died or become ineligible to cast a ballot, an effort to comply with federal election law and a court settlement with Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog. The county, the most populous in the United States, recently mailed notices to the inactive voters in an effort to verify their residency status and whether they are still alive. It’s the…

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FOX’s Chris Wallace on Democratic Debates: “No Reason to Over Analyze These Debates” Because “It’s Going To Change” FOX News Radio June 30, 2019 Wednesday night’s first round of democratic presidential debates was fast forgotten after round two on Thursday. 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful’s went all-in Thursday on controversial immigration proposals that mark a shift further left for the party — promising health care for illegal immigrants, no deportations for those whose only offense is being undocumented and the decriminalization of border crossing. In a striking moment, NBC anchor Savannah Guthrie asked the candidates, who make up roughly…

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By Larry Klayman WND June 28, 2019 Are you tired of cable news hosts and their monotonous guest commentators predicting that our corrupt government will bring about justice for criminals like Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, the “Love Birds” Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and wife Nellie, Obama’s intelligence czars John Brennan and James Clapper, and the Obamas and Clintons themselves? Are you sick of some heads of public-interest groups obtaining documents, boasting relentlessly about their “accomplishments,” and then pleading for this corrupt government to do something? Continue Reading…..

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Jay Sekulow: Obama administration’s anti-Trump actions revealed in newly disclosed documents By Jay Sekulow Fox News June 26, 2019 President Trump’s attorney Jay Sekulow reveals new information about Obama administration effort to undermine incoming Trump administration. Stunning new information just released by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) shows that the Obama administration stepped up efforts — just days before President Trump took office — to undermine Trump and his administration. Continue Reading…..

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(June 27, 2019). Today, Larry Klayman, a former federal prosecutor and the founder of Freedom Watch ( announced the criminal indictment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller by a citizens grand jury for the alleged crimes of witness tampering, obstruction of justice, attempting to suborn perjury and other illegalities. A copy of the indictment, jury instructions, verdict form and related documents are embedded below and can also be found on Freedom Watch’s website along with a video of the grand jury proceedings. Filming the proceedings as well as offering testimony about Mueller’s illegal grand jury leaks was Jason Goodman, CEO…

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By Taegan Goddard Political Wire June 24, 2019 “New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the marital history of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and whether she once married a man — possibly her own brother — to skirt immigration laws,” the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. “Omar has denied the allegations in the past, dismissing them as ‘baseless rumors’… But she said little then or since about Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the former husband who swept into her life in 2009 before a 2011 separation.” Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF…

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Washington Examiner June 24, 2019 MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. — Dozens of official documents suggest that Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., was living with her current husband, Ahmed Abdisalan Hirsi, throughout her entire legal marriage to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, contradicting the story she tells to explain her multiple marriages. Omar tells her marital history in the following way: 2002: Omar married Hirsi in a faith ceremony, but never legally married. 2008: Omar and Hirsi “decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition. ” Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO ORDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY TO COMMENCE INVESTIGATION…

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By J. Patrick Coolican and Stephen Montemayor Star Tribune June 24, 2019 New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the marital history of Rep. Ilhan Omar and whether she once married a man — possibly her own brother — to skirt immigration laws. Omar has denied the allegations in the past, dismissing them as “baseless rumors” first raised in an online Somali politics forum and championed by conservative bloggers during her 2016 campaign for the Minnesota House. But she said little then or since about Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the…

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