Author: Freedom Watch

Mysterious Blazes on Six Iranian Ships in Iranian Ports Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs June 14, 2019 One month after the attack on oil tankers off the coast As the strategic port of Shahid Rajaee, north of the Strait of Hormuz, was still dealing with the effects of a huge fire that caused serious destruction, Iranian media reported that six Iranian ships were ablaze in several ports in the southern part of the country. The Iranian Republic News Agency reported that on June 7, 2019, four merchant ships caught fire in the port of Nakhl Taqi (Taghi) in…

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Fox’s Napolitano warns Trump: ‘A felony’ to accept foreign help for reelection By Justin Wise TheHill June 14, 2019 Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano warned Thursday that President Trump would be committing a felony if he accepted damaging information from a foreign power for an election. Napolitano weighed in a day after Trump refused to commit in an ABC News interview to calling the FBI if he received political dirt from a foreign government on a political opponent, remarks that sparked a political firestorm on Thursday. Asked for his reaction to Trump’s comments, Napolitano said on Fox…

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Washington Examiner June 13, 2019 People don’t like to discuss their personal lives in public, much less when multiple divorces and children are involved. Even in public life, there ought to remain a reasonable amount of privacy when it comes to a purely intimate matter. But red flags about the two or three marriages of Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., have now produced evidence of lawbreaking. It’s time to start asking questions. The first question of public interest is whether Omar violated federal tax law. In 2014 and 2015, she filed her taxes jointly with a man named Ahmed Hirsi.…

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By John Solomon, opinion contributor TheHill June 13, 2019 One was caught red-handed engaged in nepotism. Another, a lawyer no less, admitted to shoplifting at a Marine barracks store. A third leaked sealed court information to the news media. And a fourth engaged in fraud by turning a government garage into a personal repair shop. Four cases, all solved in the past month, with suspects who cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars and significant breaches of public trust. But these weren’t your everyday perps. All were U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) employees who are supposed to catch other…

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Trump Appears to Think Charles Is Called ‘the Prince of Whales’ The Daily Beast June 13, 2019 Unless the president has just accidentally revealed the existence of a top-secret underwater kingdom, he’s dropped another clanger on Twitter. Writing about his recent trip to Britain, where he met Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, President Trump said he’d met with the “Prince of Whales.” He was almost there—Charles’ title is actually Prince of Wales. Trump was trying to make the point that he feels he doesn’t need to disclose conversations with world leaders to the FBI. No one has actually…

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By Sam Dorman Fox News June 13, 2019 The conflicts heating up over faith and politics Rep. Ilhan Omar and presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand are two prominent Democrats that have taken swings at the Republican party, specifically those of the religious right, in recent months. So are Democrats trying to attract religious voters by saying the GOP is ‘not a faith driven’ party? Here to weigh in is Dr. Serene Jones and Dr. Alex McFarland. Ilhan Omar is facing some fresh criticism from her very own backyard. Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO ORDER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF…

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By Victor Davis Hanson National Review June 11, 2019 One of the media and beltway orthodoxies we constantly hear is that just a few bad apples under James Comey at the FBI explain why so many FBI elites have been fired, resigned, reassigned, demoted, or retired — or just left for unexplained reasons. The list is long and includes director James Comey himself, deputy director Andrew McCabe, counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok, attorney Lisa Page, chief of staff James Rybicki, general counsel James Baker, assistant director for public affairs Mike Kortan, Comey’s special assistant Josh Campbell, executive assistant director James…

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Justice Dept. Agrees to Turn Over Key Mueller Evidence to House New York Times June 11, 2019 The scope of the material wasn’t immediately clear, but the House Judiciary Committee chairman said it would include “interview notes, firsthand accounts of misconduct and other critical evidence” collected by Mr. Mueller from the White House and former officials. The deal appeared to provide a rationale for House Democrats’ choice, announced last week, to back away from threats to hold Attorney General William P. Barr in contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena for the materials in question. Out of an…

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CBS Local June 11, 2019 The Campaign Finance Board says Rep. Ilhan Omar filed joint tax returns with one man while being legally married to another. The revelation was a part of an investigation into allegations that Omar had misused campaign funds. Omar agreed to repay $3,500 and pay a $500 fine, but the controversy over her tax filings continues. When it comes to the issue of filing joint married tax returns with one man while legally married to another, the only statement the Minnesota congresswoman has made is through a campaign spokesperson. Continue Reading….. COMPLAINT FOR WRIT OF…

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Cicilline: “Rich To Hear The President Complain” About Pelosi Prison Remark After “Lock Her Up” Real Clear Politics June 10, 2019 Rep. David Cicilline, a Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, told FNC’s Bret Baier on “FOX News Sunday” when asked about reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to jail President Trump that his committee is “going to get to the truth and we’re going to demonstrate that this president must be accountable for his own conduct.” “These are criminal acts, obstruction of justice, clearly impeachable offenses. And so, you know, it’s kind of rich to hear the…

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