Author: Freedom Watch

Rolling Thunder Exec Director: We’ll Ride On Washington If Pelosi Tries to Impeach Trump By Hank Berrien Daily Wire June 2, 2019 The executive director of Rolling Thunder, the annual military event that features hundreds of thousands of motorcyclists traveling to Washington to call for full accountability for prisoners of war and missing in action service members, said that the entire membership would arrive in the nation’s capital if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whom he called an “arrogant little b****,” decides to try to impeach President Trump. Artie Muller, 74, who served as a U.S. Army sergeant in…

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The Investigative June 2, 2019 We’ve recently decided to take a closer look into “SEAL Team Six,” the group of Navy SEALS who are reported to have taken out Osama Bin Laden in 2011. More to the point, we wanted to look into what has been happening to them. The story is elaborate, so let’s start from the beginning: According to a report by ABC News, Bin Laden first escaped death in August of 1998. In December of 2001 Bin Laden was reported to have been killed at his mountain hideout in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan, however…

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Rashida Tlaib victim of fake social media smear spread by Ted Nugent June 2, 2019 CLAIM: Video shows “the new congresswoman from Michigan” talking about “making all of America Muslim.” AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The woman in the video is not Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, it is Sharifa Alkhateeb addressing the “Muslim American Political Awareness Conference” in 1989. THE FACTS: The video, which has often been misrepresented online, began circulating again on social media May 26 after rock musician Ted Nugent shared it on Facebook. The caption with Nugent’s post, tied to Memorial Day, urges people to “listen…

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By Liam Quinn Fox News June 1, 2019 Attorney General William Barr has broken with President Trump on the issue of whether or not Obama-era officials committed treason. Barr, in a sit-down interview with CBS News, was asked whether he agreed with previous comments Trump has made suggesting some people with ties to the former president’s administration had done so. “You don’t think that they have committed treason?” Barr was asked by reporter Jan Crawford. Continue Reading….. See also: CORSI/KLAYMAN Leading the Charge For Justice and NOT A.G. Barr! Don’t count on Barr to attain justice for We the…

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Gov. Newsom Welcomes Women Seeking An Abortion To Come To California CBS Sacramento June 1, 2019 Governor Gavin Newsom took a step Friday to support women’s rights to have an abortion and even indicated women can come to California to have one if they want. Newsom signed Friday what he calls a “Proclamation on Reproductive Freedom.” He says it reaffirms the state’s commitment to protecting women’s reproductive choices, educates Californians about their rights to reproductive freedom, and welcomes women to the state to exercise that right. Among other things, the proclamation talks about reproductive services already available to…

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By Larry Klayman WND May 31, 2019 Last Tuesday, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, with a cleverly calculated appearance at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), predictably laid the foundation for House Democrats to issue articles of impeachment and then impeach the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. In an incredibly slimy performance, Mueller, obviously with the complicity of his equally corrupt leftist pro-Clinton-Obama prosecutorial staff, goaded the Democrats to impeach Trump by strongly suggesting that the only reason the president was not indicted for obstruction of justice was due to DOJ policy that a sitting president…

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ABC News May 31, 2019 Ex-Roger Stone aide Andrew Miller arrived at U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. Friday morning after a nearly year-long battle against a subpoena to testify before a federal grand jury convened to hear special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Arriving at the courthouse with his lawyer Paul Kamenar it tow, Miller donned aviator sunglasses, khakis and a chambray blazer with a vintage pocket square with a world fair theme. When asked by ABC News on the courthouse steps how Miller felt to finally be facing the…

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Does Barr think Obama officials committed treason? “Not as a legal matter, no” CBS News May 31, 2019 Attorney General William Barr said he does not think some Obama-era Justice Department officials who oversaw the Russia investigation committed treason. “Not as a legal matter, no,” Barr told CBS News chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford when asked if he believed senior officials in the Obama administration committed treason, an accusation Mr. Trump has repeatedly made. Pressed on whether he had concerns about the way these officials conducted the investigation into Russian interference in U.S. elections and possible coordination between…

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