Author: Freedom Watch

Judicial Watch Presents Forum ‘Investigating The Investigators’ OAN Newsroom May 31, 2019 As at least one congressional committee is preparing to investigate the beginning of the Mueller probe, they may not have to look further than Judicial Watch for a blueprint on how to proceed. One America’s John Hines has more from Washington. Continue Reading…..

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Liberty Nation May 30, 2019 When it comes to foreign policy, do foreigners know best thanks to their particular experiences? One anti-Semitic Democrat, Ilhan Omar, sure seems to think so, and of course, she is specifically relating to herself. In fact, the Minnesota representative thinks our policy needs a complete overhaul: “It’s important for me to think about what an overhaul of our foreign policy should look like from the standpoint of really thinking how it impacts those around the world, and where our values intersect with what’s happening. We spend a lot of money in engaging unwinnable wars,…

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MUELLER’S PUSH TO IMPEACH TRUMP COUNTERED WITH CORSI LAWSUIT AND OUR CITIZENS GRAND JURIES! SPECIAL COUNSEL CEMENTS DEM/LEFTIST PUSH TO REMOVE PRESIDENT Dear Friend and Patriot: Today, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, with a cleverly calculated appearance at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), predictably laid the foundation for House Democrats to issue articles of impeachment and then impeach the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. In an incredibly slimy performance, Mueller, obviously with the complicity of his equally corrupt leftist pro-Clinton-Obama prosecutorial staff, goaded the Democrats to impeach Trump by strongly suggesting that the reason the…

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Former US defense official: We know UFOs are real – here’s why that’s concerning By Anna Hopkins Fox News May 30, 2019 ‘Unidentified’ gives military personnel on the frontlines a voice about what they are encountering in the skies. After a bombshell report detailing near-daily interactions with unidentified flying objects by Navy pilots in 2014 and 2015, Christopher Mellon has argued that this information is nothing new, and the government needs to do something about it. Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, is involved with a new History Channel series, ‘Unidentified,’ which will expand on…

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(Washington, D.C., May 30, 2019). Today, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, with a cleverly calculated appearance at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), predictably laid the foundation for House Democrats to issue articles of impeachment and then impeach the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. In an incredibly slimy performance, Mueller, obviously with the complicity of his equally corrupt leftist pro-Clinton-Obama prosecutorial staff, goaded the Democrats to impeach Trump by strongly suggesting that the reason the president was not indicted for obstruction of justice was due to DOJ policy that a sitting president should not be indicted…

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Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump New York Times May 29, 2019 WASHINGTON — Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, on Wednesday declined to clear President Trump of obstruction of justice in his first public characterization of his two-year-long investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said, reading from prepared notes behind a lectern at the Justice Department. “We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the…

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Why Young Jews are Detouring from Israel to Palestine By Lornet Turnbull YES! Magazine May 29, 2019 On her first visit to Israel a decade ago, Sarah Brammer-Shlay joined her voice to the prayerful murmurings of the multitude of women, their heads bowed against the ancient stones at Jerusalem’s Western Wall. In the south, she climbed Masada, King Herod’s desert fortress overlooking the Dead Sea and the site of the last Jewish stronghold against Roman invasion. And she strolled the beaches and hung out with trip mates and new Israeli friends in bars and clubs in Tel Aviv,…

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Supreme Court leaves intact block on Indiana abortion restriction By Ariane de Vogue, CNN Supreme Court Reporter CNN May 28, 2019 Washington (CNN)The Supreme Court said Tuesday that a provision of an Indiana law which said the state may prohibit abortions motivated solely by race, sex or disability should remain blocked. The court, however, did say it would allow part of the law that requires clinics to bury or cremate fetal remains to take effect. The fact that the court decided not to take up the more controversial provision of the Indiana law suggests that there is not…

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Alyssa Milano slams ‘has been’ Jon Voight over support of President Trump: ‘Stay in your lane’ By Tyler McCarthy Fox News May 28, 2019 Alyssa Milano took a shot at actor Jon Voight and Republicans after the 80-year-old actor shared videos in which he praised President Trump. Similar to Milano’s digital activism on the left, Voight is one of the few outspoken conservative actors in Hollywood that uses his social media to promote political causes he believes in. The “Ray Donovan” actor posted a two-part video message where he heralded Trump as the best U.S. president since Abraham…

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Utah judge suspended without pay for 6 months after critical comments about Trump By Nicole Darrah Fox News May 28, 2019 A judge in Utah was suspended without pay for six months last week after criticizing President Trump — both online and in court — for his “political incompetence.” Judge Michael Kwan, who’s been a justice court judge in Taylorsville, a suburb of Salt Lake City, since 1998. Between 2016 and 2017, he shared inappropriate posts on Facebook and LinkedIn about the president, according to Utah’s State Supreme Court. Kwan violated the judicial code of conduct and lessened…

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