Author: Freedom Watch

By Larry Klayman WND May 17, 2019 You know me as the founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, both conservative public-interest watchdogs. While Freedom Watch does today what Judicial Watch did when I ran it for 10 years — that is not just uncover documents of government and other corruption but also prosecute this corruption — no one will ever question that I have pursued this mission in a nonpartisan fashion. As I chronicled in my autobiography, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment!”, which I penned after my Florida Senate campaign in 2003-2004,…

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MSNBC Host Blows Up at Hugh Hewitt Over Iran: ‘Just Stop for Heaven’s Sake!’ By Justin Baragona The Daily Beast May 17, 2019 Things got intense Thursday afternoon on MSNBC when daytime anchor Ali Velshi butted heads with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt over the Trump administration’s apparent rush to hostilities with Iran, openly shouting at the right-wing pundit at one point. Discussing Hewitt’s recent Washington Post column in which the conservative MSNBC contributor defended Team Trump’s policy towards Iran while admonishing the Obama administration for its “appeasement,” Velshi got the ball rolling by ridiculing Hewitt’s high praise…

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Chris Wallace: Attorney General Barr Is Protecting This President And Advocating For His Interests Real Clear Politics May 17, 2019 “FOX News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace reacts to Attorney General Bill Barr’s interview with FNC’s Bill Hemmer. SANDRA SMITH, FOX NEWS: Let’s bring if Chris Wallace, anchor of “Fox News Sunday.” Good morning to you. I’m sure you’ve been watching this interview throughout the morning. What is your takeaway so far? CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS: As somebody who does interviews for a living, when you watch somebody else do interviews you always say, “Well gee, I would have…

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‘Law & Order’ episode touches on Ilhan Omar tweets and MAGA hat teens — J. J Weekly May 17, 2019 Whether or not you are a fan of Rep. Ilhan Omar, a recent episode of the long-running crime procedural “Law & Order: SVU” may owe the Minnesota Democrat a writer’s credit. Called “Assumptions,” the episode is not so subtly based on highly debated tweets and catchphrases used by Omar in talking about Jews, AIPAC and the conflict between Israel and Palestine. If you missed it: A Muslim woman is raped and assaulted in a synagogue, her hijab torn…

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Howie Carr: US attorney investigating origins of Russia probe will be ‘very hard to smear’ By Jake Grate Fox News May 16, 2019 Radio host Howie Carr said U.S. Attorney John Durham will be very hard to “smear as a partisan” as he conducts a review of the Russia probe’s origins. Fox News reported on Monday that Attorney General Bill Barr had assigned Durham, 68, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to conduct the inquiry into allegations of misconduct and possibly improper government surveillance on the Trump campaign in 2016. Continue Reading…..

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Tucker Carlson Praises Late Fox News Founder Roger Ailes: ‘Really a Great and Wise Man’ By Jon Levine TheWrap May 16, 2019 Fox News host Tucker Carlson offered effusive praise for late Fox News chief Roger Ailes on a show celebrating Carlson’s 10-year anniversary at the network and his own upcoming 50th birthday. “He was really a great and wise man,” Carlson said on the set of his Wednesday night broadcast describing the polarizing ex-CEO who was forced out of the company in July 2016 amid a wave lawsuits surrounding multiple sexual harassment scandals. Carlson was joined on…

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Omar, Jewish Congresswoman Call For United Front Against White Nationalism By Alyssa Fisher The Forward May 16, 2019 Reps. Ilhan Omar and Jan Schakowsky wrote a joint op-ed for CNN to call on Jews and Muslims to stand together against the common threat of white nationalism. Omar, a Muslim American representing Minnesota, and Schakowsky, a Jewish American representing Illinois, said that the evidence of a rise in hate crimes against religious minorities is “overwhelming” – citing the shooting at the Chabad of Poway synagogue and the Christchurch mosque massacre, both of which were allegedly perpetrated by white nationalists.…

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