Author: Freedom Watch

Karl Rove says John Durham could probe Comey, McCabe, Strzok role in Russia probe origins By Sam Dorman Fox News May 14, 2019 Fox News contributor Karl Rove praises Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, U.S. Attorney John Huber and U.S. Attorney John Durham. Fox News political contributor Karl Rove said Tuesday that U.S. Attorney John Durham could extend the investigation into the Russia probe’s origins well beyond the scope of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s powers. “Durham allows you to get to people who have left the government like a [former FBI Director James] Comey, like…

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Washington Examiner May 14, 2019 Israeli scholars have blasted Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan congresswoman and Democrat, for her comments that her Palestinian ancestors provided a “safe haven” for Jews during the Holocaust. “Rashida Tlaib is either completely ignorant of the history or is a deliberate liar,” professor Benny Morris, a leading scholar of British Mandatory Palestine and the formation of the country of Israel, told Haaretz. He added that Palestinians “did nothing to alleviate the suffering of the Jews at Nazi hands. Rather the opposite: The Arabs of [British Mandatory] Palestine, during the whole period — and supported by…

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Rosenstein slams Comey for becoming a ‘partisan pundit’ By Caitlin Oprysko POLITICO May 14, 2019 Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein criticized former FBI Director James Comey for becoming a “partisan pundit” in the two years since he was fired by President Donald Trump. In some of Rosenstein’s first extended remarks since leaving the Justice Department last week, the former deputy attorney general called Comey’s dismissal, which set off a firestorm in Washington and resulted in the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, “reasonable under the circumstances,” citing Comey’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Rosenstein, who…

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(San Francisco, California, May 14, 2019). Today, Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch and a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice, filed on behalf of his client Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a motion to sanction Democrat congressmen including but not limited to House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler and presidential candidate Eric Swalwell, as well as leftist Arizona congresspersons Ruben Gallego and Raul M. Grijalva for filing a wholly frivolous and politically motived amicus brief in the case before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit over President Trump’s pardon of…

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BREAKING: AG Barr Appoints U.S. Attorney To Investigate Origins Of Russia Investigation Daily Wire May 14, 2019 Attorney General Bill Barr has appointed a U.S. attorney to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation and to determine if the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016 was legal. The Associated Press reported that a source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Barr “appointed John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to conduct the inquiry.” “The inquiry will focus on whether the government’s methods to collect intelligence relating to the Trump campaign were lawful and…

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Ilhan Omar in U.S. illegally? Serious lawsuit seeks answer – WND – WND WND May 14, 2019 Former Justice Department prosecutor and Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman, who previously petitioned the Department of Homeland Security and the House of Representatives to investigate Rep. Ihlan Omar, D-Minn., to determine her eligibility for naturalization, now has gone to court. The Muslim freshman lawmaker has drawn rebuke from her own party leaders for anti-Semitic tweets while in office. And before she was elected, she tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil…

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Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney in Connecticut to Review Origins of Russia Inquiry By Adam Goldman, Charlie Savage and Michael S. Schmidt New York Times May 14, 2019 WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr has assigned the top federal prosecutor in Connecticut to examine the origins of the Russia investigation, according to two people familiar with the matter, a move that President Trump has long called for but that could anger law enforcement officials who insist that scrutiny of the Trump campaign was lawful. John H. Durham, the United States attorney in Connecticut, has a history of serving…

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First assessment blames Iran for Middle East ship explosions, official says By Samuel Chamberlain Fox News May 14, 2019 Trump says ‘bad problem’ may await Iran as the U.S. bulks up its military presence in the Persian Gulf; State Department correspondent Rich Edson reports. An American military team assessing blasts that damaged four commercial ships off the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sunday has blamed Iran or Iranian-backed proxies using explosive charges, a source told Fox News on Monday evening. Each ship had a 5-to-10-foot hole in it, near or just below the water line, a…

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WND May 13, 2019 Former Justice Department prosecutor and Freedom Watch founder Larry Klayman, who previously petitioned the Department of Homeland Security and the House of Representatives to investigate Rep. Ihlan Omar, D-Minn., to determine her eligibility for naturalization, now has gone to court. The Muslim freshman lawmaker has drawn rebuke from her own party leaders for anti-Semitic tweets while in office. And before she was elected, she tweeted, “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” Klayman in March petitioned DHS and the House for an investigation…

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Michael Oren accuses ‘New Yorker’ of anti-Semitism for questioning Jewish right to move from NY to West Bank Mondoweiss May 13, 2019 This weekend everyone is talking about a revealing interview with Michael Oren by Isaac Chotiner in the New Yorker, titled, “Michael Oren cuts short a conversation about Israel.” The short version is that Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to the U.S. and deputy prime minister, just blew himself up. When Chotiner pressed Oren about the future of the two-state solution, Oren said Jews have an absolute right to settle in the West Bank as much as in…

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