Author: Freedom Watch

Beto O’Rourke: Tax wealthy whites to transfer money to disadvantaged blacks Washington Examiner May 12, 2019 SALEM, N.H. — Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke suggested using the tax system to transfer wealth from rich, white people to African Americans, but he was forced to explain why he, as a white man, is able to help minority communities. At a campaign house party in the backyard of former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia James Smith on Thursday, one of the about 100 attendees asked O’Rourke how he would use the tax code to address issues of equity and fairness. Continue…

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Real Clear Politics May 11, 2019 Vice President Mike Pence said in an interview with ‘FOX & Friends’ on Friday that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has “been trying to blame the United States of America for the deprivation and the poverty brought on by the dictatorship in Venezuela.” Pence also said Omar “has no place” on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Democratic leadership should remove her. Continue Reading….. Click to View PDF

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White House asked McGahn to say he didn’t believe that Trump obstructed justice By Adam Shaw Fox News May 11, 2019 President Trump sits down with Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge for a wide-ranging interview in the White House. The White House asked former White House counsel Don McGahn to say publicly that he did not believe that President Trump obstructed justice, Fox News confirmed Friday — although McGahn’s attorney said they never perceived the request as a threat. “We did not perceive it as any kind of threat or something sinister. It was a request,…

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By Larry Klayman WND May 10, 2019 Twice in the last two weeks I have traveled to Washington, D.C., an increasingly dark place where I lived continuously for over 25 years beginning in 1979. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that during these recent trips, gray storm clouds hung over the city. During my multi-decade history in this ever-increasing capital of corruption, I first was a Justice Department trial attorney and prosecutor who was on the trial team that broke up the AT&T telephone monopoly and enforced food and drug, agricultural, banking, aviation and consumer protection laws. Continue Reading….. See also:…

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Israel-bashing Imam delivers opening prayer at House of Representatives By Ilanit Chernick The Jerusalem Post | May 10, 2019 Popular American Imam Omar Suleiman, known for his Israel-bashing antics, gave the Ramadan invocation at the opening of Thursday’s House of Representatives session. Suleiman is the founder and president of the Irving, Texas-based Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. He was invited to give Thursday’s invocation by US Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), a Yaqeen Institute statement said. The information was originally revealed and reported by the Investigative Project on Terrorism. “We pray for peace, not war,” he said.…

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Lawmakers Demand Details on NSA’s Sweeping Phone Surveillance Operations May 10, 2019 Six Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee on Monday called on NSA to release a public report outlining the current state of the Call Detail Record program. Under the program, the agency gathers phone records on millions of people in the U.S. and around the world. Last year, NSA announced it started deleting records collected under the program prior to 2015 because of technical challenges with handling and storing the data. Since then, lawmakers said, officials have not issued any updates on the program. “A…

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Ilhan Omar Attacks Trump Over Joke At Rally. Trump Campaign Trolls Her. Daily Wire May 10, 2019 Far-left Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) attacked President Donald Trump on Thursday over joking remarks that he made on Wednesday night at a campaign rally in Florida. While talking about what border agents can do about illegal aliens who are crossing over the southern border, Trump said: “Don’t forget, we don’t let [border security agents] and we can’t let them use weapons, we can’t. Other countries do, but we can’t. I would never let them do that.” At that moment a person…

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Judge Napolitano: Barr’s ‘Foolish Attempt’ to Sanitize Mueller Report Was ‘Dumb and Insulting’ By Justin Baragona The Daily Beast May 10, 2019 In a op-ed and subsequent video essay on the network’s streaming service Fox Nation, senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano shredded Attorney General William Barr for his “misleading” and “disingenuous” attempt to spin the conclusions of the Mueller report, adding that the attorney general was “deceptive” during his congressional testimony. With the House Judiciary Committee voting Wednesday to recommend the House hold Barr in contempt for failing to turn in the full un-redacted Mueller report,…

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Meghan McCain’s Husband Goes on Unhinged Homophobic Rant Against ‘Cuck’ Seth Meyers By Matt Wilstein The Daily Beast May 10, 2019 The View host Meghan McCain seemed pretty uncomfortable by the end of her contentious appearance on NBC’s Late Night on Tuesday night. But for the most part, she was able to keep things cordial with host Seth Meyers. Then, a few hours later, early Wednesday morning, her husband shared his unfiltered thoughts about the interview on Twitter. In a series of since-deleted tweets, Ben Domenech, the founder and publisher of conservative website The Federalist, went on an…

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