Author: Freedom Watch

Floridians Gave Ex-Felons the Right to Vote. Lawmakers Just Put a Big Obstacle in Their Way. By Patricia Mazzei New York Times May 4, 2019 NORTH MIAMI, Fla. — In November, Florida voters approved a groundbreaking ballot measure that would restore voting rights for up to 1.5 million people with felony convictions. But the Republican-led Legislature voted on Friday to impose a series of sharp restrictions that could prevent tens of thousands of them from ever reaching the ballot box. In a move that critics say undermines the spirit of what voters intended, thousands of people with serious…

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By Justin Caruso Breitbart May 4, 2019 James Woods, one of the few conservative stars in Hollywood, has been locked out of his Twitter account for over a week now for “abusive behavior,” once again demonstrating the double standard the tech giant holds when it comes to enforcing rules. Twitter suspended Woods for a tweet that read, “‘If you try to kill the King, you best not miss’ #HangThemAll,” according to his girlfriend Sara Miller. Of course Twitter doesn’t inform his followers. @RealJamesWoods has received the following email: Continue Reading….. See also: Freedom Watch more than documents and…

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By Kyle Cheney POLITICO May 4, 2019 Federal prosecutors argued Friday that special counsel Robert Mueller did not need to prove conspiracy between the Russian government and the Trump campaign to show that longtime Trump ally Roger Stone obstructed Congress’ investigation of the matter. “To establish the defendant’s guilt of the crimes with which he is charged, the government is not required to prove the existence of a conspiracy with the Russian government to interfere in the U.S. presidential election,” Mueller’s team, along with the U.S. attorney in Washington D.C., wrote in response to filings Stone submitted on March…

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Daily Wire May 3, 2019 In a March 11, 2010 newspaper article in The Detroit News, Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI) father accused her of lying “big-time to get elected” by falsifying her address on an election affidavit. Tlaib’s father, Harbi Elabed, made the accusations against Tlaib, who at the time was a freshman state-level representative from the 12th District in Detroit’s Southwest side. The newspaper article was scrubbed from the internet when The Detroit News migrated to a new website but was available in a subscription-based digital archive. The Detroit News reported: He said his daughter misrepresented her residency…

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By Larry Klayman WND May 3, 2019 By now you patriots are undoubtedly as put off as I am in watching cable news and listening to current heads of public interest groups — in particular the one that I conceived of, founded and ran for 10 years before leaving to run for the U.S. Senate — as well as media hosts, boast about all of the newly disclosed documents and information that show illegalities if not crimes by Deep State Obama and Clinton era actors like James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, James…

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Judge Andrew Napolitano: President Trump Obstructed May 3, 2019 Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News has long argued for libertarian positions on the nation’s largest cable news network, consistently holding George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and now Donald Trump accountable for alleged abuses of power. In Napolitano’s analysis, the Mueller report on Russian interference in the 2016 election lays out multiple instances in which President Trump attempted to interfere with the investigation, thus making him guilty under federal laws governing the obstruction of justice. Continue Reading…..

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The Mueller push for acceptance of a plea deal was one man’s ordeal By Jerome Corsi The Washington Times May 3, 2019 During the Mueller probe, what started as voluntary testimony ended up a 40-hour inquisitorial nightmare with the prosecutors offering me a plea deal in lieu of indicting me. Special counsel Robert Mueller’s prosecutors became angry and abusive in my six sessions of interviews with them over a two-month period in September and October last year precisely because I failed to have the all-important link to connect Roger Stone and Donald Trump to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.…

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By Suzanne Monyak Law360 May 2, 2019 Law360 (May 1, 2019, 6:23 PM EDT) — Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for his hard line against unauthorized immigration and for an unsuccessful U.S. Senate primary bid, is fighting to preserve his $300.5 million lawsuit against CNN, Rolling Stone and HuffPost over misreporting about his since-pardoned contempt conviction. In a Monday brief in D.C. federal court, Arpaio, represented by conservative group Freedom Watch Inc., claimed that the three news outlets had knowingly published the errors, which have since been corrected, and that they did so with malice. Arpaio urged the…

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Lindsey Graham will ask Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate FISA court misconduct Washington Examiner May 2, 2019 Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., says he will ask Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to investigate possible abuse of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court during the 2016 election. Noting that President Trump is “down” on the FISA court, Graham, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters on Thursday he will make a call to ask, “‘Would you please look and see what happened?’ because I don’t want to lose the FISA program.” As the chief justice,…

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