Author: Freedom Watch

Mark Meadows sends criminal referral targeting Nellie Ohr to DOJ Washington Examiner May 2, 2019 Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, is the subject of a criminal referral sent to the Justice Department on Wednesday. Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., wrote up the referral addressed to Attorney General William Barr, citing concerns that Ohr “knowingly provided false testimony” last year to a joint task force of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees that were investigating decisions made by the Justice Department and FBI surrounding the 2016 election. The Hill reported Meadows, a member of House…

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Rep. Ilhan Omar says US ‘kind of helped lead the devastation’ in Venezuela By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News May 2, 2019 Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, suggested Wednesday the United States could be partly to blame for the ongoing turmoil in Venezuela, saying the policies of the Trump administration had “kind of helped lead the devastation.” Appearing on Democracy Now, a news program broadcast on PBS, among other outlets, Omar was asked to weigh in on what the host described as a “US-supported coup attempt” against Venezuelan President Nicol����s Maduro. “A lot of the policies that we have put…

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By Larry Klayman WND May 2, 2019 Last Monday, on behalf of my friend and client Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama, I appeared in front of the former chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia who is now on senior status, the Honorable Thomas J. Hogan (courtroom illustration above). The reason? I had filed a complaint against the low-class comedian Sasha Baron Cohen, Showtime and its parent company, CBS, over their having maliciously defamed Judge Moore by falsely portraying him as a pedophile. On the show “Who is America?” Cohen, appearing in disguise…

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By Larry Klayman WND May 1, 2019 Last Monday, on behalf of my friend and client Chief Justice Roy Moore of Alabama, I appeared in front of the former chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia who is now on senior status, the Honorable Thomas J. Hogan (courtroom illustration above). The reason? I had filed a complaint against the low-class comedian Sasha Baron Cohen, Showtime and its parent company, CBS, over their having maliciously defamed Judge Moore by falsely portraying him as a pedophile. On the show “Who is America?” Cohen, appearing in disguise…

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Laura Ingraham Calls Into Fox ‘Hard News’ Show, Bashes Her Colleague Chris Wallace The Daily Beast May 1, 2019 Calling into Fox News’ pre-hearing coverage of Wednesday’s Senate testimony of Attorney General William Barr, Fox News primetime host Laura Ingraham slammed Fox News anchor Chris Wallace for the horrific crime of not echoing Fox News primetime’s pro-Trump talking points. Earlier Wednesday morning, Wallace was on-air asserting that Republicans “will have to do some rehabilitation to try to restore” Barr’s reputation following news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller wrote Barr to complain about his initial summary of the Mueller…

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Missouri speaking engagement for Cliven Bundy is canceled By Associated Press May 1, 2019 MANSFIELD, Mo. (AP) – A Missouri seed company will not host Nevada rancher and states’ rights advocate Cliven Bundy at an upcoming spring planting festival. Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds had invited Bundy to discuss growing ancient crookneck watermelons in desert conditions at its festival May 5-6 near Mansfield. Bundy is best known for leading an armed standoff in 2014 when federal agents tried to seize his cattle after he refused for 20 years to pay cattle-grazing fees on publicly-owned land near his ranch.…

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Napolitano: Trump Trying To Divert Attention From Mueller Report By Attacking Me On Twitter Real Clear Politics April 30, 2019 Monday on FOX Business Network’s “Mornings With Maria,” FNC judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano responded to criticism from President Trump about his assertion that the Mueller report implicates the president in obstruction of justice. “I thought the president’s comments were brilliant,” Napolitano said. “He wanted to divert attention from what Mueller had said about him, and what I had commented about Mueller, to his relationship with me.” “His relationship with me is not the story. He and I have…

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CNN’s Don Lemon cuts off guest who accused him of ‘contributing’ to political divide By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News April 30, 2019 CNN anchor Don Lemon lashed out at former White House aide Cliff Sims over President Donald Trump’s Charlottesville remarks and ended the segment early after he was accused by his guest of “contributing” to the political divide in the country. While covering the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and the rally Trump held simultaneously in Green Bay, Wis. on Saturday night, CNN’s Alisyn Camerota began the conversation by criticizing President Trump’s pivot from his somber rally remarks…

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Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein submits resignation By Nicole Darrah Fox News April 30, 2019 Former Arkansas Republican Governor Mike Huckabee says Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s critical comments of the Russia election interference investigation is a soft way of saying there was a cover up. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who frequently found himself in the political crosshairs due to his role in the special counsel’s Russia probe and whose departure has long been expected, submitted his resignation on Monday to President Trump, effective May 11. Attorney General William Barr in a statement said Rosenstein served the Justice…

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