Author: Freedom Watch

Napolitano: Mueller report shows ‘classic obstruction of justice’ By Bradford Betz Fox News April 30, 2019 Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano on Monday said he disagreed with parts of Alan Dershowitz’s assessment of the Mueller report, and argued that the allegation that President Trump directed one of his advisers to “put an untruthful paper in an official government file” is true, then that amounts to “classic obstruction of justice.” Napolitano made the comments during an appearance on ‘The Story’ w/ Martha MacCallum. He went on to say that there was not enough that the Trump campaign colluded with…

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New York Times slammed for another Netanyahu cartoon days after ‘anti-Semitic’ sketch By Victor Garcia Fox News April 29, 2019 Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt says anti-Semitism is still a vicious problem in America. After apologizing over the weekend for publishing a syndicated cartoon with “anti-Semitic tropes” in its depiction of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Trump, The New York Times was criticized again Monday over yet another caricature of Netanyahu. Dan Senor, a former Pentagon aide and advisor to Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, called out the “paper of record” for printing another anti-Netanyahu cartoon,…

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Fox’s Judge Napolitano Fires Back After Trump Publicly Bashes Him: Is This How You Treat a Friend? By Justin Baragona The Daily Beast April 29, 2019 Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano responded to President Trump’s weekend Twitter attacks on Monday morning, denying that he asked the president for a Supreme Court spot while joking about the way Trump treats his long-time friends. On Saturday night, the president took to Twitter to fire shots at Napolitano, who recently has said Trump is guilty of committing obstruction of justice and that the president’s behavior was “deceptive and…

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Notre Dame architect: Blaze was no accident WND April 29, 2019 Former Notre Dame Cathedral architect Benjamin Mouton in a live broadcast April 16 on the French TV network LCI: When the Fox News Channel’s Shepard Smith hung up on French politician and media analyst Philippe Karsenty during live coverage of the Notre Dame Cathedral blaze, authorities already were speculating the catastrophe that gripped the world was caused by an accident. Although speculation is the coin of the cable-news realm, an indignant Smith wanted nothing to do with Karsenty providing context to the April 15 fire — nearly…

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2020 contender Kamala Harris calls for ban of ‘right to work’ laws By Sam Dorman Fox News April 28, 2019 Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., indicated on Saturday that she would use the “bully pulpit” to fight “right-to-work” laws, describing them as an attack on workers’ rights. “The barriers to organized labor being able to organize and strike are something that have grown over a period of time,” the 2020 presidential hopeful said while speaking at the National Forum on Wages and Working People. At the event, Harris emphasized the bully pulpit and executive authority to fight for workers’…

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By Marina Koren The Atlantic April 28, 2019 Pilots are about to receive a new memo from management: If you encounter an unidentified flying object while on the job, please tell us. The U.S. Navy is drafting new rules for reporting such sightings, according to a recent story from Politico. Apparently, enough incidents have occurred in “various military-controlled ranges and designated airspace” in recent years to prompt military officials to establish a formal system to collect and analyze the unexplained phenomena. Members of Congress and their staffs have even started asking about the claims, and Navy officials and pilots…

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Trump: Fox’s Napolitano asked me to pardon his friend, put him on Supreme Court By John Bowden TheHill April 28, 2019 President Trump tweeted Saturday that Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano met with him and urged him to nominate Napolitano to the Supreme Court as well as grant a pardon to one of Napolitano’s friends. Napolitano, a former superior court judge in New Jersey, works as a legal analyst for Fox News. In a pair of tweets Saturday evening following his campaign rally in Green Bay, Wis., the president accused the commentator of becoming “very hostile” after Trump…

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By Larry Klayman WND April 26, 2019 As y’all know, I am the founder of Judicial Watch and now chairman and general counsel of Freedom Watch and a former trial attorney and prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice. During my long legal, career I have taken on causes that were not always the percentage thing to do in terms of my own interests! I have represented clients who had been shunned by the mainstream, or as Sarah Palin calls it the lamestream, media, because they told the truth and fought battles that were not popular at the time,…

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