Author: Freedom Watch

DB DAILY UPDATE April 22, 2019 This is Fox News. — No, really, it actually is Fox News Sunday, the flagship Sunday morning program for the supposed “balanced” news channel. Hosted by Chris Wallace, son of long-time CBS reporter Mike Wallace, this program is fast becoming a bell cow signaling a general shift in Fox’s news reporting from “fair, balanced and unafraid” to “liberal, tilted and aspiring to be CNN.” This Sunday’s program showed Wallace at his very worst: bomastic, combative, argumentative, constantly interrupting and shrill. Well, that was how he behaved when he interviewed Trump White House counsel…

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Clinton press secretary says Barr lied about Mueller report, is not a ‘principled man’ By Liam Quinn Fox News April 22, 2019 President Bill Clinton’s former press secretary has gone on a blistering attack against Attorney General William Barr, accusing him of lying to the American people and of not being an “incredibly principled man.” Former White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart went on the offensive during an appearance on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday morning. After the show played old footage of Barr discussing the issue of executive privilege in relation to then-President Clinton, Lockhart unloaded. Continue…

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By Lucia Suarez Sang Fox News April 22, 2019 Warsaw residents carry daffodils, which have become the symbol of remembrance of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising against the German Nazi, during anniversary observances in Warsaw, Poland, Friday, April 19, 2019.(AP Photo/Czarek Sokolowski) The U.S. ambassador to Poland sparked a wave of angry comments on Twitter after she wished Jews a happy Passover in Polish on Friday. Ambassador Georgette Mosbacher, who also wished Poles a happy Easter on Sunday, was accused of offending the mostly Roman Catholic country with the tweet, with some calling it a “provocation.” Continue Reading…..

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Giuliani to Chris Wallace: “You Are Treating These People As If They’re Fair, They’re Not” Real Clear Politics April 22, 2019 WALLACE: Obstruction of justice can be motivated by a desire to protect noncriminal personal interests to protect against investigations for underlying criminal liability falls into a gray area, or to avoid personal embarrassment. Mueller says the injury to the justice system is just as great. It doesn’t matter whether there was an underlying crime. It’s still obstruction. RUDY GIULIANI, TRUMP ATTORNEY: Well, when did Mueller become god? Mueller says the injury to the justice system is still…

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Chris Wallace challenges Giuliani over Trump’s ‘no obstruction’ claim: ‘Mayor, that’s not true’ By Justin Wise TheHill April 22, 2019 Fox News anchor Chris Wallace on Sunday challenged President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani over Trump’s claim that there is now proof he did not obstruct justice in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. “Mayor, that’s not true,” Wallace said on “Fox News Sunday.” “The Mueller report makes it clear, especially on the issue of … obstruction, that he’s leaving it to Congress.” “I agree with that,” Giuliani interjected. Continue Reading…..

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Nadler says there is ‘plenty of evidence of obstruction’ in Mueller report, believes Don Jr. should have been charged By Andrew O’Reilly Fox News April 21, 2019 Democratic chairman of the House Judiciary Committee seeks the full special counsel report with all underlying records and grand jury material by May 1; chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reports from Washington. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-NY, argued on Sunday that, despite Special Counsel Robert Mueller deciding not to charge President Trump with obstruction of justice, he believes there is still plenty of evidence of obstruction by the president.…

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Majority of millennials financially rely on parents, survey finds Fox Business April 21, 2019 Millennials often define being an adult as being financially independent, but a new survey finds the majority of young people still depend on their parents for money. A new Merrill Lynch/Age Wave survey given exclusively to USA TODAY found 70 percent of adults ages 18 to 34 received financial support from their parents within the last year, with almost three in five millennials saying they couldn’t afford their lifestyles without the support. Continue Reading…..

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