Author: Freedom Watch

By Larry Klayman WND April 14, 2019 The arrest of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, last week was greeted by the usual and expected cheers of the corrupt political establishments of both political parties, Republican and Democrat. Assange, having given Edward Snowden a platform and voice to expose the biggest scandal and outrage in American history — the wholesale mass surveillance by our so-called government of hundreds of millions of citizens without probable cause (not to mention President Trump, his family and colleagues) — is now about to pay the price at the hands of those felonious government…

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By Tom McCarthy the Guardian April 14, 2019 The White House escalated its assault on the Muslim American congresswoman Ilhan Omar on Sunday, after Donald Trump repeatedly tweeted video footage of September 11 and accused Omar of downplaying the terror attacks. Supported by a wave of Democrats saying Trump was wilfully misrepresenting comments by Omar in what amounted to dangerous racist bullying, the congresswoman on Saturday said she would not be silenced by “an administration that ran on banning Muslims from this country.” Continue Reading….. Click to View PDF

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Ex-Clinton official leads ‘dark money’ effort to boot Kavanaugh from teaching gig By Lukas Mikelionis Fox News April 13, 2019 A top aide to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign — now leading a liberal “dark money” group — is backing a student effort at George Mason University to get Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh fired from teaching a summer course over misconduct allegations. A student group calling itself “Mason For Survivors” began circulating a petition last month, so far attracting nearly 5,000 signatures, urging to “terminate AND void ALL contracts and affiliation with Brett Kavanaugh at George Mason…

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Zion completes ’19 awards sweep with Wooden April 13, 2019 LOS ANGELES — Zion Williamson of Duke added to his 2019 awards haul Friday night, becoming just the third freshman to win the John R. Wooden Award as the nation’s men’s player of the year. Williamson, 18, joined Kevin Durant and Anthony Davis as the only freshmen to take home the award, which was handed out at the fifth annual College Basketball Awards at The Novo in downtown Los Angeles. He is the sixth Wooden Award winner in Duke history, the most of any school. Williamson, who…

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Hillary Clinton: Assange has to ‘answer for what he has done’ Washington Examiner April 13, 2019 Hillary Clinton wants WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange held accountable. “The bottom line is that he has to answer for what he has done, at least as it has been charged,” the former secretary of state said Thursday evening at an event with her husband, former President Bill Clinton. “I do think it’s a little ironic that he may be the only foreigner this administration would welcome to the United States,” she said, joking. Continue Reading…..

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Fox News April 12, 2019 Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar is facing backlash after her speech at a Muslim rights group’s event where she described the September 11, 2001 terror attacks as ‘some people did something.’ Democrats, Twitter and the national news media offered plenty of outrage Thursday over Rep. Ilhan Omar’s description of 9/11 as a day when “some people did something.” But they directed it entirely at The Post’s front page for exposing and highlighting Omar’s cavalier words. About the remark itself: total silence, with a few terse “no comments” from Democrats. Click to View PDF

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By Adam Mill The Federalist April 12, 2019 Attorney General William Barr recently announced the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Justice (DOJ) is about to conclude its investigation into 2016 FISA abuse and that he has begun reviewing the DOJ’s role in the genesis of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax. “My question is, now that President Trump has been exonerated of collusion, is the Justice Department investigating how it came to be that your agency used a salacious and unverified dossier for [a search warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court]?” he asked during recent…

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