Author: Freedom Watch

Buttigieg to Pence: ‘Your problem is not with me — your quarrel, sir, is with my creator’ By Devan Cole CNN April 8, 2019 Washington (CNN) Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg on Sunday again took on Vice President Mike Pence — whose stances on LGBTQ issues have faced criticism from gay rights activists — saying that if Pence has “a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me — your quarrel, sir, is with my creator.” Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, made the comments while speaking at the LGBTQ Victory Fund National Champagne…

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Trump under fire over Islamophobia after man threatens to kill Ilhan Omar By Ed Pilkington the Guardian April 7, 2019 Donald Trump and Fox News are coming under fire for contributing to a climate of Islamophobia, following the arrest of a supporter of the president who threatened to kill Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota who was one of the first Muslim women elected to the US Congress. Patrick Carlineo, from Addison, New York, was arrested on Friday and charged with making a threatening phone call to Omar’s office. According to the FBI, Carlineo told a staff member:…

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Conservatives’ takeover of Supreme Court stalled by John Roberts-Brett Kavanaugh bromance By Richard Wolf USA TODAY April 7, 2019 WASHINGTON — The conservative takeover of the Supreme Court that was anticipated following President Donald Trump’s two selections has been stalled by a budding bromance between the senior and junior justices. Chief Justice John Roberts and the court’s newest member, Brett Kavanaugh, have voted in tandem on nearly every case that’s come before them since Kavanaugh joined the court in October. They’ve been more likely to side with the court’s liberal justices than its other conservatives. Continue Reading…..

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CNN’s Don Lemon announces engagement to boyfriend Tim Malone By Sara M Moniuszko USA TODAY April 6, 2019 Congrats are in order for Don Lemon and Tim Malone — they’re engaged! The CNN anchor, 53, announced the news on Instagram Saturday, sharing a photo of the ring and how Malone popped the question. “He gave me a present on his birthday. How could I say no?” Lemon wrote in the image caption. In the photo, we see customized dog tags on the collar of their pets Boomer and Barkley with the words: “Daddy will you marry Papa?” Continue…

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‘No Celebrities’: Embarrassing Turnout at Trump’s Beverly Hills Fundraiser By Tarpley Hitt The Daily Beast April 6, 2019 BEVERLY HILLS, California—Late Friday afternoon, Donald Trump landed in Los Angeles for a re-election fundraiser. The event was organized by Trump Victory, a fundraising partnership between the Republican National Convention and Trump’s campaign, and aimed to raise an estimated $5 million for the party. It was the president’s third visit to the celebrity-hub city and, by all accounts, not a star-studded one. “Celebrities? No celebrities,” Rabbi Marvin Hier said of the event. Hier is the dean and founder of the…

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By Bob Norman Columbia Journalism Review April 6, 2019 Roger Stone was sitting in a Miami Beach condo surrounded by Richard Nixon campaign memorabilia. He was talking about his long-time boss Donald Trump, and saying he would make a great president. “He’s already at the pinnacle of success,” Stone said. “He doesn’t need to be president to validate his own ego, which is quite large.” This was late 2011, nearly four years before Trump took the famous downward escalator ride that set off the most tumultuous period in modern American history, leading Stone first back to prominence, and then…

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By Larry Klayman WND April 5, 2019 In 2001, two years before I left Judicial Watch to run for the U.S. Senate in Florida, I was contacted by a person who identified himself as Peter Paul. A former lawyer from Miami, he asked me meet him there at what was then Judicial Watch’s Southern Regional Office. When Peter and I did meet in our offices in Biscayne Tower a few days later, he revealed to me how he had put on the Hollywood tribute to Bill Clinton in the waning days of Slick Willy’s administration. This event was in…

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By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News April 5, 2019 A former aide to Hillary Clinton is facing backlash for mocking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over video of the Kentucky Republican falling down, though others on social media pointed out that McConnell had survived a bout of polio as a child. Adam Parkhomenko, a Democratic strategist who served in Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, shared a video on Wednesday of McConnell falling while stepping onstage at a campaign event. Continue Reading…..

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