Author: Freedom Watch

By Larry Klayman WND March 29, 2019 Thank God that President Donald Trump was found by Special Counsel Robert Mueller not to have colluded with Russia and that the evidence of obstruction of justice did not rise to the level of a crime. But God, in my view, helps those who help themselves, as the old adage goes! Indeed, it was the courage of my client, Dr. Jerome Corsi, who refused, like many others had foolishly done before him, to bow down to Mueller and his leftist hack prosecutors, and instead rejected a phony deal that would have required…

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By Paul Bond The Hollywood Reporter March 29, 2019 Conservative crusader Larry Klayman is suing various entities — from CNN to Sacha Baron Cohen — on behalf of clients like Joe Arpaio and Roy Moore who say they’ve been harmed by the irresponsibility of the press. Larry Klayman has been called a right-wing activist by Wikipedia, a conspiracy theorist by Politico and a pathologically litigious attorney and professional gadfly by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They’re meant as pejoratives, but the former U.S. Department of Justice prosecutor has no problem with the descriptors. The 67-year-old attorney has filed countless…

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Fox’s Judge Napolitano: Schiff ‘Is Correct’ That Mueller Report Will Show Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion By Justin Baragona The Daily Beast March 29, 2019 Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano defended embattled House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Thursday, stating the Democratic lawmaker is likely correct to insist there will be evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the still-unseen Mueller report. A day after Napolitano caused a stir by declaring both that the Mueller report will show “something” on conspiracy and that the special counsel’s summary is 700 pages long,…

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The Tragedy of Rod Rosenstein By Daniel Hemel Slate Magazine March 28, 2019 Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will soon leave the Justice Department that he joined as a newly minted lawyer nearly 30 years ago. He is, by all accounts, a skillful attorney who spearheaded a number of successful public corruption prosecutions and won widespread respect from members of both parties en route. But as is often the case, he will be remembered best for the worst moments of his career: his letter providing a cover story for the firing of FBI Director James Comey; his baffling…

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Fox’s Judge Napolitano: ‘There Is Something There’ on Conspiracy in Mueller Report The Daily Beast March 27, 2019 Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano warned Fox viewers Wednesday that the still-unseen report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller likely contains evidence pointing to conspiracy and obstruction that Democrats will be able to seize on over the coming months and into the 2020 presidential election. Following the release of Attorney General William Barr’s summary of Mueller’s report that states the special counsel did not find that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia in its 2016 election interference, House…

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Tlaib continues call for Trump’s impeachment, says he’s ‘most dangerous threat’ to democracy By Lukas Mikelionis Fox News March 27, 2019 U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., is continuing to push for the impeachment of President Trump — even after Special Counsel Robert Mueller has concluded there was no collusion with Russia. The freshman Democrat, who caused an uproar within hours of being sworn into Congress with a profanity-laced call to charge the president with misconduct in office, is not backing down and is seeking support from her fellow progressives to back a resolution to effectively start the impeachment…

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo lectures Trump supporters for ‘taking a victory lap’ after Mueller Report outcome By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News March 26, 2019 Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani demands apology from media; Fox News contributor Jessica Tarlov and Media Research Center president Brent Bozell weigh in. CNN anchor Chris Cuomo slammed the supporters of President Donald Trump for celebrating the results of the Mueller report, accusing them of “taking a victory lap for not being felons,” and calling that a “low standard for behavior.” Cuomo began by defending the Mueller investigation, saying that the questions that started the Russia…

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Cardoza-Moore: In Gaza they use missiles, in Congress they use Ilhan By Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman The Jerusalem Post | March 26, 2019 Ilhan Omar is an integral part of the Hamas arsenal,” said Laurie Cardoza-Moore on Monday. “In Gaza they use missiles; in Congress they use Ilhan.” Cardoza-Moore, the head of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, a non-profit organization established to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren, made her statement hours after a Hamas rocket pounded into a Jewish home in the Sharon region of Israel. “The objective remains the same: the…

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