Author: Freedom Watch

Washington Examiner March 21, 2019 Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz argued Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has “no case at all” in his lawsuit against Twitter and some Twitter users who mocked him. “No, he has no case at all, and it is wrong from a political and ideological point of view,” Dershowitz said during an interview with Fox News on Wednesday. “If you don’t like what Twitter is doing, create an alternate company. If you don’t like what Facebook, you don’t like what any of the others are doing, the American way is competition.” “If you’re a…

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Donna Brazile Explains Why She’s Working for Fox News By Isaac Chotiner The New Yorker March 20, 2019 Donna Brazile, who has twice served as the interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, is one of the most prominent political strategists of recent times. Brazile, Al Gore’s campaign manager in 2000, was the first African-American woman to run a campaign for a major-party Presidential nominee; she had previously worked on the Presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson, Walter Mondale, Dick Gephardt, and Michael Dukakis. She went on to spend fifteen years as a regular commentator on CNN, until, in…

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Beto O’Rourke slams Israeli leader Netanyahu as ally of ‘racists’ By Paul Steinhauser Fox News March 20, 2019 PLYMOUTH, N.H. – Beto O’Rourke is taking aim at embattled Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claiming the steadfast ally of Republican President Trump “has openly sided with racists.” The Democratic presidential candidate and former congressman from Texas — on the campaign trail in New Hampshire — also criticized negotiators ostensibly trying to end the generations-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Continue Reading…..

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By David Bauder The Washington Times March 20, 2019 The apparent suspension of Jeanine Pirro is squeezing Fox News Channel in two directions. A prominent Muslim-American civil rights organization is calling for advertisers to boycott Fox News, while another group is petitioning to have the weekend host reinstated. Pirro wasn’t on the air Saturday, a week after Fox publicly condemned her for comments questioning U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s loyalty because she wears a Muslim head covering. Fox hasn’t explained the former New York-area district attorney’s absence, declining to comment on “internal scheduling matters.” Continue Reading…..

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The Democratic Party Attacks on Ilhan Omar Are a Travesty By Phyllis Bennis The Nation March 20, 2019 Attacks on Congresswoman Ilhan Omar are rising. One of the first Muslim women elected, Omar is also black, an African immigrant, a former refugee from Somalia, and wears her hijab in the halls of Congress. She is under attack from the leaders of her own party for anti-Semitic statements she never made, for anti-Jewish prejudice she never expressed, for hatred of Jews she doesn’t hold. And the Democratic Party leadership is considering a resolution whose early text, at least, while…

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Fox News is wise to add Donna Brazile to its punditry gumbo Washington Examiner March 20, 2019 My colleague Becket Adams was right on target in saying that it was “shrewd” for Fox News to hire former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Donna Brazile as a regular analyst. And she’s wise to take the job, even if her best efforts still will not likely change any minds among Fox viewers. When Brazile said her goal was to engage conservative listeners while advocating liberal positions with “civility and respect,” she wasn’t just blowing smoke. Despite occasional lapses into partisan overenthusiasm…

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Paul Ryan joins board of newly formed Fox Corporation Washington Examiner March 20, 2019 Former House Speaker Paul Ryan will be joining the board of Fox News’ new parent company, Fox Corporation. The Fox Corp. entity was announced Tuesday and is the result of Disney’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox. Ryan will serve on the board alongside Rupert Murdoch and his son, Lachlan Murdoch. Other announced board members include CEO of Formula 1 Chase Carey, Anne Dias, Roland Hernandez, and Jacques Nasser. “We are thrilled to welcome our new colleagues to the Fox board,” Lachlan Murdoch said in…

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By Gabriel Sherman The Hive March 20, 2019 Donald Trump’s alliance with Fox News has been one of the few constants throughout his shambolic presidency. But in recent days, that bond has shown signs of fraying. On Sunday morning, Trump criticized Fox after it suspended Judge Jeanine Pirro for delivering an offensive monologue questioning Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s patriotism. Later in the day, Trump lashed out at Fox journalists, tweeting: “Were @FoxNews weekend anchors, @ArthelNeville and @LelandVittert, trained by CNN prior to their ratings collapse? In any event, that’s where they should be working, along with their lowest rated…

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