Author: Freedom Watch

Cy Vance Has a Double Jeopardy Problem. It Will Delegitimize His Case Against Paul Manafort. By Jed Shugerman Slate Magazine March 17, 2019 Judge Amy Berman Jackson completed her sentencing of Paul Manafort for federal charges earlier this week, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office wasted no time indicting the former Trump campaign chairman on 16 additional counts for state crimes. The indictment seemed calculated to prevent Donald Trump from letting a potential confederate off the hook with a presidential pardon, while the timing allowed for the federal prosecution to fully conclude. (I have been suggesting this state-action…

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Jewish voters are furious at Dems’ defense of Ilhan Omar New York Post March 17, 2019 Jewish voters furious at Democrats’ defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar say they’re done with the party that has held their support for generations. “We felt we had a home there,” said Mark Schwartz, the Democratic deputy mayor of solidly blue Teaneck, NJ. “And now we feel like we have to check our passports.” Jordan Manor of Manhattan, who calls himself a “gay Jewish Israeli-American,” laments, “The party I thought cared about me seems to disregard me when it comes to my Jewish…

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‘Judge Jeanine’ Preempted on Fox Amid Controversy Over Comments About Rep. Ilhan Omar By Anita Bennett Deadline March 16, 2019 Jeanine Pirro’s weekly Fox News Channel program Justice with Judge Jeanine is being replaced tonight at 9 p.m. with a repeat the documentary Scandalous: The Trial of William Kennedy Smith, according to a programming guide on the network’s website. “We’re not commenting on internal scheduling matters,” a Fox News spokesperson told Deadline Saturday, but would not comment further. The development comes after FNC condemned remarks Pirro made last Saturday that seemed to question the national loyalty of Minnesota’s…

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Cardoza-Moore delivers petitions to Washington for Ilhan Omar’s removal By Zachary Keyser The Jerusalem Post | March 16, 2019 Evangelical leader Laurie Cardoza-Moore hand-delivered letters and petitions containing “tens-of-thousands” of signatures to Capitol Hill in order to remove Ilhan Omar from Congress, demanding a full investigation into Omar’s connections with the Muslim Brotherhood. Cardoza-Moore met with a number of Washington lawmakers this week, in addition to Nancy Pelosi and Attorney-General William Barr to forward her agenda to remove Omar and affiliated antisemitic and anti-American parties from Congress. Continue Reading….. Click to View PDF

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The Hollywood Reporter March 16, 2019 Huffington Post reported the convicted former sheriff went to prison. Although he didn’t, the publication says the gist was substantially true. Joe Arpaio, the controversial former sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., who earned Donald Trump’s first pardon, is many things, but he’s not a “convicted felon,” as CNN reported, not an “ex-felon,” as Rolling Stone described him, and he has never been “sent to prison,” as the Huffington Post once wrote in passing in the midst of a story that had not much to do with him. Yes, he was convicted of criminal…

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FISA court was duped into issuing warrant, Rep. Jim Jordan tells Sean Hannity By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News March 16, 2019 U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, slammed a U.S. Justice Department decision to seek a FISA warrant — and blasted what he described as the deceitful methods used to persuade the FISA court to grant it — during an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” on Thursday night. “They didn’t tell the court the dossier was unverified,” Jordan told Fox News host Sean Hannity, referring to the court created under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. “They didn’t tell the…

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Chris Wallace: No Way Trump Will Win In 2020 With Just His Base By Mary Papenfuss HuffPost March 16, 2019 Fox News host Chris Wallace told colleague Shepard Smith on Friday that there’s no way Donald Trump can win a second term with just his base — and the president doesn’t seem to care about anyone else now. Smith asked if Trump is simply going to “stay with the base, placate the base and forget everybody else and just figure out a way come 2020?” Continue Reading…..

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Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Against Adam Schiff Daily Wire March 16, 2019 Conservative government transparency group Judicial Watch filed an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics against House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Monday, alleging the congressman acted inappropriately when he met with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen ahead of their congressional hearings. Last week, The Daily Wire reported on Schiff’s “nagging ethics questions,” pointing out that Schiff’s meeting with Simpson carries the appearance of impropriety, as it occurred before Simpson testified about his involvement in the alleged…

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By Larry Klayman WND March 15, 2019 There is an old joke about lawyers that goes like this: “How can you tell that a lawyer is lying?” Answer: “He is moving his lips!” Another joke goes, “Why do great white sharks not attack lawyers?” Answer: “Professional courtesy.” While these jokes ring true in many respects — and indeed is why I founded Judicial Watch in 1994 and later Freedom Watch ( and have lived my professional life as the “anti-lawyer” in large part — this so-called humor applies not just to the hundreds of lawyers who occupy mostly worthless…

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