Author: Freedom Watch

Ilhan Omar’s Criticism Raises the Question: Is Aipac Too Powerful? New York Times March 6, 2019 WASHINGTON — When Representative Ilhan Omar landed a coveted seat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Stephen Fiske began working the phones to Capitol Hill. Alarmed by messaging that he saw as anti-Semitic and by Ms. Omar’s support for the boycott-Israel movement, Mr. Fiske, a longtime activist with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, began texting and calling his friends in Congress to complain. He is hoping Aipac activists will punish Ms. Omar, a freshman Democrat from Minnesota, with a primary challenge…

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Fox News Quietly Ditched Trump-Loving Sheriff David Clarke The Daily Beast March 5, 2019 For years, Sheriff David A. Clarke was a fixture on Fox News, raging against Black Lives Matter, reportedly neglecting his duties as sheriff, and owning libs at every corner. Nowadays, the firebrand Trump ally and ex-Milwaukee sheriff isn’t welcome on Fox anymore, The Daily Beast has learned. The one-time Fox News regular, who was previously considered for different senior posts in the Trump administration, was effectively “banned” last year by the network, according to two sources familiar with the situation. Continue Reading…..

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WASHINGTON, D.C., March 5, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch and a former U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutor is calling upon the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and/or DOJ to investigate anti-Semitic and terrorist-connected freshman U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for immigration marriage fraud and to initiate deportation proceedings as supported by the factual investigation. Today, Larry Klayman asked the U.S. House of Representatives to investigate and consider Freedom Watch’s petition for deportation while the U.S. House prepares to pass a toothless resolution of disapproval over Rep. Omar’s overt anti-Semitic remarks.…

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By Tamar Auber Mediaite March 5, 2019 An interview on CNN with Jerome Corsi — one of the 81 named on Monday in the sweeping Democratic probe — took an odd turn on Monday when talk turned to President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. It all started after host Anderson Cooper noted that Corsi has “been an advocate of many conspiracy theories, from President Obama not being born in the U.S. To, you know, the questions about what really happened on 9/11.” Corsi insisted that he never wrote about 9/11 before his lawyer interjected to say Obama’s birth certificate appears…

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Newsweek March 5, 2019 The conspiracy theory over the birthplace of the former president Barack Obama has reared its head again during a heated discussion on CNN. Host Anderson Cooper was talking to the author Jerome Corsi, whom he described as an “advocate of many conspiracy theories,” including the one casting doubt on whether Obama was actually born in the United States, a constitutional requirement to serve as president. Corsi dismissed the CNN host’s claim that he promoted conspiracy theories about what happened during the 9/11 attacks, before his lawyer Larry Klayman interjected to question the veracity of the…

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Hillary Clinton says country is in ‘full-fledged crisis’ during speech in Selma to mark ‘Bloody Sunday’ By Andrew O’Reilly Fox News March 3, 2019 Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton offered a stark view of the country on Sunday, comparing the current “crisis in our democracy” to the turbulence that occurred amid the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Speaking during a reception in Selma, Ala. to mark the 54th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” and to receive the International Unity Award at the Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King Unity Breakfast, Clinton said that…

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The Cases Against Netanyahu and a Decision to Indict New York Times March 2, 2019 JERUSALEM — After an investigation of more than two years, Israel’s attorney general, Avichai Mandelblit, announced Thursday that he planned to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Mr. Netanyahu, who denies any wrongdoing and says he is being persecuted by Israel’s left, is entitled to a hearing before an indictment is formally issued. But if he fails to persuade Mr. Mandelblit to back down, he would become the first sitting prime minister in Israel to…

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By Peter D’Abrosca Big League Politics March 2, 2019 The 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) has featured the likes of #NeverTrump stalwart Glenn Beck and CNN’s Van “Whitelash” Jones. But the people who were left off the list have been raising eyebrows among actual conservatives. The Banned: Nick Fuentes: The host of a podcast called “America First,” who boasts a solid 34.6 thousand Twitter followers and averages about 10,000 views per episode has been completely banned from the conference. Fuentes describes himself as a “nationalist” and a “paleoconservative.” Continue Reading…..

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