Author: Freedom Watch

By Peter D’Abrosca Big League Politics March 2, 2019 Big League Politics contributor and conservative activist Laura Loomer had her media credentials revoked while trying to pass through security at the Conservative Political Action Conference, effectively banning her from the event. Loomer was trying to enter the main conference area to see President Donald J. Trump speak. The two men who revoked her credentials identified themselves as CPAC employees, and refused to giver her an explanation for the revocation. Continue Reading…..

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Washington Examiner March 2, 2019 Fox News host Sean Hannity is drawing fire for comments he made about Michael Cohen in an interview with President Trump on Thursday, and one lawmaker wants him called to testify in front of Congress. Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., who sits on the committee, tweeted “Sean Hannity is now volunteering himself as a witness. I look forward to his testimony” following Hannity’s comments about the president’s former longtime fixer, who spent three days testifying in front of Congress this week. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman, Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch March 2, 2019 Like many things in life and in particular the so-called “conservative movement,” things are not always what they appear to be. Unfortunately, good ordinary folk who support and attend events such as the on-going Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), put on by the inappropriately named American Conservative Union (ACU), are not told the truth about this self-congratulatory group of mostly self-anointed “elite beautiful people.” For those who travel by plane and want to pass the time if the in-house entertainment system is down by opening the airline…

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By Larry Klayman WND March 1, 2019 Our great Founding Father, Benjamin Franklin, from my birthplace and that of the nation, Philadelphia, famously said: “Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.” Our 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, given his success and prominence, has invited many guests into his house over the years, and one them has generated an odor that could prove fatal. His name is Michael Cohen, and coupled with his slimy Clintonista and Democratic lawyer, Lanny Davis, this “putrid fishy duo” just this week stunk up the halls of Congress and…

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Omar, Tlaib say critics charge ‘anti-Semitism’ against them as way to end debate over Israel’s policies By Louis Casiano Fox News March 1, 2019 Two outspoken freshmen congressional Democrats appeared at a progressive town hall this week, where they accused some of their Jewish colleagues of leveling anti-Semitism charges following their criticisms of Israel in order to shut down any debate over that U.S. ally’s policies. Speaking at the Busboys and Poets restaurant in Washington, U.S. Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan also touched on a variety of other issues. “It is about the…

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Trump Was Right To Walk Away From The Table. But His Overall North Korean Strategy Is A Debacle. By Ben Shapiro Daily Wire March 1, 2019 On Thursday, President Trump abruptly cut short his planned diplomatic triumph with North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un after Kim made clear he had no plans to denuclearize, and that he wanted all sanctions against his evil regime removed. Trump explained, “Sometimes you have to walk,” adding, “It was about the sanctions. Basically they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, but we couldn’t do that.” Trump was right to walk. Of…

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Napolitano: Michael Cohen paints a potentially grave picture for the president Fox News February 27, 2019 Feb. 27, 2019 – 4:04 – Judge Andrew Napolitano says the Michael Cohen hearing should have been postponed until President Trump returned from the U.S.-North Korea summit. Continue Reading…..

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Hannity wants Schiff ‘mano a mano’ on show after Maher interview By Bradford Betz Fox News February 27, 2019 Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Monday took Bill Maher up on his suggestion that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ought to go on Fox News more. Schiff, a fierce critic of President Trump, appeared on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday night. Schiff told Maher that his GOP colleagues secretly have “misgivings” about the president but wouldn’t dare speak publicly. Continue Reading…..

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