Author: Freedom Watch

Napolitano: Don’t Believe Cohen Without Corroboration By Sandy Fitzgerald Newsmax February 26, 2019 President Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen’s upcoming testimony before key House committees shouldn’t be believed unless there is something that corroborates what he’s saying, Judge Andrew Napolitano said Tuesday. “This dynamite piece that The Wall Street Journal says he is going to testify that President Trump committed crimes while in office,” the Fox News senior judicial analyst told “Fox and Friends.” “The source wouldn’t say exactly what these alleged crimes are, but no prosecutor would put Michael Cohen on the stand and assert that…

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FBI chart showed ‘gross negligence’ not an option to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her emails Washington Examiner February 26, 2019 A chart disseminated within the FBI excluded “gross negligence” from a collection of statutes by which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton could be prosecuted for the use of an unauthorized private email server. During private testimony last year, an email was shown from an unknown individual in the FBI general counsel’s office to Bill Priestap, who served as assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s counterintelligence division. Continue Reading…..

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Schiff: Dems ‘absolutely’ will take DOJ to court over Mueller report if necessary By Gregg Re Fox News February 25, 2019 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff insisted Sunday he’s willing to take the Justice Department to court over Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s forthcoming final report on the Russia investigation, which sources tell Fox News is wrapping up. The DOJ’s inspector general sharply criticized former FBI Director James Comey for publicly outlining the bureau’s case against then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 without finding criminal wrongdoing worthy of prosecution. Against that backdrop, it appeared unlikely the DOJ would…

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Adam Schiff has collusion problems of his own Washington Examiner February 24, 2019 The ski resort meeting between Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and the founder of Fusion GPS shows that the House Intelligence Committee chairman is the wrong person to trust with leading a serious, unbiased inquiry. For more than two years, Schiff has led the fight to make the Russia-collusion narrative stick. But the jig may finally up. The Russia story, of course, got its start during Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign. Robby Mook, John Podesta, and the rest of the Clinton brain trust did everything they…

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By Larry Klayman WND February 22, 2019 Let me get this up front. I am not a racist, nor am I bigoted against any minority. As a Jew who has accepted Jesus as my Savior, I remain proud of my Jewish heritage. I am also a proud Zionist, who believes that Israel is not just the cradle of civilization but also the homeland of Jews and Christians as well those Arabs who do not seek Israel’s destruction. That does not mean that peaceful Arabs and other Muslims should be expelled from Israel — and indeed, the Jewish state, unlike…

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Investor’s Business Daily February 22, 2019 Deep State: The plot, as always in the Russia investigation, thickens. It never thins. Now we find out, contrary to what former FBI Director James Comey said, that top FBI officials wanted to charge Hillary Clinton for criminally misusing her homebrew email server and compromising American secrets. The lies continue to unravel. This is the Deep State on steroids. If newly appointed Attorney General William Barr decides to clean house, and we hope he does, he’ll have his hands full. Meanwhile, as former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe continues his self-destructive book tour,…

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Rosenstein: My time at DOJ is ‘coming to an end’ By Rachel Frazin TheHill February 22, 2019 Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Thursday that his time in law enforcement was “coming to an end.” “My time as a law enforcement official is coming to an end, a lot later than I expected,” the No. 2 official at the Department of Justice (DOJ) said during a lecture at the University of Pennsylvania. “People joke about the revolving door between government and the private sector. The door never revolved for me. It was one way in, and one way…

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