Author: Freedom Watch

Adam Schiff refuses to stand down if Mueller finds no collusion Washington Examiner February 17, 2019 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., wouldn’t say Sunday if he would accept special counsel Robert Mueller being unable to find direction collusion between President Trump’s 2016 campaign and Russia. The House Intelligence Committee is embarking on a sweeping investigation into Trump’s financial transactions and Russia, and Schiff adamantly stressed that his panel will continue its work unimpeded regardless of what Mueller says. Continue Reading….. See also: FBI/DOJ Coup D’etat!: Indict McCabe, Comey & Rosenstein!; Deport Muslim Rep. Omar; Investigate Adam…

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Graham: McCabe revelations ‘beyond stunning’ By Brett Samuels TheHill February 17, 2019 Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday pledged to thoroughly investigate comments from Andrew McCabe after the former FBI deputy director told “60 Minutes” that Justice Department officials discussed a plan to potentially remove President Trump from office. “We’re going to find out what happened here and the only way I know to find out is to call the people in under oath and find out, through questioning, who’s telling the truth because the underlying accusation is beyond stunning,” Graham said on “Face the Nation.” Continue Reading…..

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‘Evidence in plain sight’ of Trump collusion with Russia, Schiff says By Patrick Temple-West POLITICO February 17, 2019 House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Sunday that there is ample evidence Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Russia. In an interview on CNN, Schiff rejected Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr’s statements from earlier this month, in which Burr said evidence shows no collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia. Continue Reading….. See also: Klayman on Freedom Watch Investigation of Adam Schiff! Click to Watch Video

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Stephen Miller and Fox’s Chris Wallace battle over Trump’s national emergency declaration NBC News February 17, 2019 White House senior adviser Stephen Miller — the Trump administration’s leading voice on immigration — staunchly defended President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to fund a larger border wall in a contentious interview with “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace. Miller said the action was justified by the authorities granted the president under the National Emergencies Act of 1976 and added that if such an emergency had been declared to support U.S. involvement in a foreign nation such as…

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By Catherine Herridge Fox News February 17, 2019 Former top FBI lawyer James Baker, in closed-door testimony to Congress, detailed alleged discussions among senior officials at the Justice Department about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office, claiming he was told Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said two Trump Cabinet officials were “ready to support” such an effort. The testimony was delivered last fall to the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees. Fox News has confirmed portions of the transcript. It provides additional insight into discussions that have returned to the spotlight in Washington as fired FBI…

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Celebs You Didn’t Know Went To Duke University The Famous People February 16, 2019 Situated in Dunham, North Carolina is the private research institute, Duke University. The university enjoys a total campus area of 8,600 acres including its three adjoining campuses. The ever-so-popular university enjoys its consistent inclusion among the best universities in the world as per several international university rankings. According to a New York Times corporate study, Duke University’s graduates are presented as the most sought-after and valued in the world. The university also ranks fifth to have created the most Rhodes, Marshall, Truman and Goldwater…

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By Alex Pappas Fox News February 15, 2019 Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Friday claimed in a new court filing that prosecutors have evidence that former Trump adviser Roger Stone communicated with WikiLeaks, the organization that released hacked Democratic emails during the 2016 campaign. Stone — who was indicted last month on charges of obstruction, making false statements and witness tampering — denied to Fox News that evidence of such communications exists. Continue Reading…..

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By Katelyn Polantz CNN February 15, 2019 Washington (CNN) — Prosecutors said for the first time that they have evidence of Roger Stone communicating with WikiLeaks, according to a new court filing from special counsel prosecutors. During its investigation of the Russian hack of the Democrats, “the government obtained and executed dozens of search warrants on various accounts used to facilitate the transfer of stolen documents for release, as well as to discuss the timing and promotion of their release,” the prosecutors wrote Friday to a federal judge. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman WND February 15, 2019 The uninformed might think from the title of this week’s column that I am writing about a legitimate law firm. Instead, the events of this week underscore just how much the nation is in peril and subject to radical and traitorous former and current government officials and congresspersons who want to destroy democracy and install radical socialism and Shariah law in our republic. These persons are this week’s rancid and poisonous “soup du jour” who, along with many others on the radical left, are bent on taking the country down. The threat…

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