Author: Freedom Watch

By Sean Ross Yellowhammer News January 24, 2019 In an appearance on Huntsville radio’s WVNN on Tuesday, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore discussed time since his December 2017 election loss to now-Sen. Doug Jones (D-Mountain Brook) and what the future could hold for him. Moore looked back at the 2017 special election and pointed to inconsistencies, which he said might have been the difference in the race he lost by a 1.7-percent margin. He also warned how the reported tactics used against him, like the so-called Project Birmingham, could be used against Republicans in future elections.…

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Senate ethics panel won’t penalize Booker over confidential Kavanaugh documents By Alexander Bolton TheHill January 24, 2019 The Senate Ethics Committee has announced it will not act on a complaint against Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), a potential 2020 White House candidate, for releasing “committee confidential” documents during the Senate confirmation hearing for then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Deborah Sue Mayer, the chief counsel and staff director of the Senate Ethics Committee, informed Judicial Watch, a right-leaning government watchdog group, that “no further action is appropriate” in response to Booker’s unauthorized release of confidential documents. Continue Reading…..

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WND January 24, 2019 The federal government, even though caught “suborning perjury,” will appeal the dismissal of a case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his sons and supporters over the 2014 armed standoff with Bureau of Land Management agents. That’s according to Bundy’s lawyer, former Department of Justice attorney Larry Klayman, who pointed out to the government, apparently to no avail, the “gross injustice” of the case. Klayman said on Wednesday: “The Department of Justice, which has sadly become known as the ‘Department of Injustice,’ is going ahead by with its appeal of the dismissal of the indictment a…

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By Valerie Richardson The Washington Times January 23, 2019 Federal prosecutors said Wednesday they plan to appeal a demoralizing courtroom defeat that saw a federal judge rebuke prosecutors for “flagrant misconduct” and dismiss all charges against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and two of his sons. Elizabeth O. White, Assistant U.S. Attorney for Nevada, assured the court that the appeal would be filed by Feb. 6 after asking for a 14-day extension, saying the “review process is complete and the Solicitor General has authorized the government’s appeal.” “Undersigned counsel further advises that the draft brief is nearly complete, editing of…

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World War 3: ‘Rapid military escalation’ occurring between Iran and Israel By Charlotte Davis January 23, 2019 World War 3 fears were sparked this week after Israel hit the Syrian capital of Damascus early on Monday as part of its increasingly open assault on Iran’s presence there. In response, Iran issued a chilling message to arch-enemy Israel — warning it is “impatient” and ready to confront and destroy the nation in a statement issued just hours after Israel launched the air raids in Syria. The former Pentagon official Michael Maloof has warned the situation between the two…

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Giuliani may be slowly dripping information to public to lessen shock of Mueller report: Napolitano By Edmund DeMarche Fox News January 23, 2019 Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney who has been under fire for what was seen by some as missteps during recent TV interviews, may be dripping information about Trump to the public to lessen the shock when Special Counsel Robert Mueller releases his final report on his Russian collusion investigation, Andrew Napolitano, Fox News’ senior judicial analyst said. Napolitano, who appeared on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” on Tuesday, argued that the strategy is not…

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Trump exasperated by gaffe-prone Giuliani By Eliana Johnson and Darren Samuelsohn POLITICO January 23, 2019 Rudy Giuliani has a growing list of enemies in the White House — which now includes his boss, President Donald Trump. Trump was apoplectic after a pair of weekend media interviews by his personal lawyer, in which Giuliani said that the president had been involved in discussions to build a Trump Tower in Moscow through the end of the 2016 campaign — a statement that enraged Trump because it contradicted his own public position, according to two sources close to the president. Continue…

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By Shane Croucher Newsweek January 23, 2019 President Donald Trump’s advisers are reportedly urging him to bench his lawyer Rudy Giuliani and prevent him from making televised appearances following his hapless performances of late. According to Associated Press, citing sources in and close to the White House, Trump is irritated by Giuliani’s recent mistakes, involving bombshell statements rapidly followed by confusing backtracking. The president reportedly thinks they distracted from what he views as vindication after an explosive BuzzFeed report was later brought into question. Continue Reading…..

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Rudy Giuliani has no idea what he’s talking about on Trump Tower Moscow CNN January 22, 2019 Here’s a good way to think about Rudy Giuliani’s handling of questions about when (or if) President Donald Trump had conversations during the 2016 campaign with his one-time lawyer Michael Cohen about plans to build Trump Tower Moscow: You throw 10 balls in the air at once and, only as they are all hurtling back toward you — and the ground — do you realize you only have two hands and can’t possibly hope to catch them all. Over the past…

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