Author: Freedom Watch

By Larry Klayman WND January 18, 2019 “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” — Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Our greatest of Founding Fathers and our third U.S. president had it right: “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, but when the government fears the people there is liberty!” Knowing that the government over time since our founding as a free nation would grow very corrupt and oppressive, Thomas Jefferson predicted and advocated revolution, even…

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Brit Hume: Racism charge against Steve King ‘bogus’ WND January 17, 2019 Republican Rep. Steve King’s remarks on race in a New York Times story were “too close for comfort,” but the paper’s charge that previous statements by the Iowa congressman were “racist” is “completely bogus,” said Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume Tuesday night. Hume asserted media have “weaponized” the term “racist.” “We need to be careful flinging this term around, because what has happened to this, tragically, is this great triumph of the civil rights movement making racism indefensible and intolerable has been weaponized,” he…

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McCarthy, allies retaliate against Freedom Caucus leader By Scott Wong TheHill January 17, 2019 Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) isn’t the only House leader seeking revenge against colleagues who step out of line. GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) is now retaliating against a fellow Republican for voting against him in the Speaker vote earlier this month. Multiple GOP sources told The Hill that McCarthy and his allies on the Republican Steering Committee have booted conservative Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.) off of the Armed Services Committee, making good on a vow to retaliate after the Freedom Caucus member voted for…

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Rudy Giuliani says Trump didn’t collude with Russia but can’t say if campaign aides did By Caroline Kelly CNN January 17, 2019 (CNN)Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that he never denied President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign, only that the President himself was not involved in collusion. In an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “Cuomo Prime Time,” Giuliani, a former New York mayor and Trump’s attorney, said he doesn’t know if other people in the campaign, including former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, were working with the Kremlin during the 2016 presidential…

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Barr backs away from prior comments pushing Clinton Foundation investigation By Laura Jarrett CNN January 16, 2019 (CNN) — Attorney General nominee Bill Barr reaffirmed Tuesday that, if confirmed, he would allow special counsel Robert Mueller to finish the Russia investigation, but Barr’s testimony surrounding a prior eyebrow-raising claim that more should be done to investigate the Clinton Foundation, and his related correspondence with a reporter on that issue, has caught the attention of his critics and raises fresh questions on how he’d handle the issue if confirmed. Barr was interviewed by The New York Times in the…

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By Steven Lubet Slate Magazine January 16, 2019 The first bill introduced this year in the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives had nothing to do with the border wall, the government shutdown, the troops in Syria, or other issues that have dominated recent headlines. Instead, the “For the People Act”—or HR 1—is devoted to government integrity, covering voting rights, campaign finance reform, and ethical standards. Among many potentially controversial and complex provisions, there is one that stands out for its simplicity: requiring the adoption of an ethics code for the U.S. Supreme Court. The fact that SCOTUS justices are the…

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WND January 16, 2019 Amid her staunch opposition to funding a border wall, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called police to evict illegal aliens from camping out at her multimillion-dollar vineyard estate in Napa Valley. The Daily Wire, citing freelance journalist Nick Monroe, reported citizen journalist and activist Laura Loomer brought illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico onto the property of Pelosi’s walled estate Monday. The entourage set up a portable canopy with the word “immorality” written on it in large red letters. Continue Reading…..

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