Author: Freedom Watch

Pederson: Eagles committed to Wentz at QB January 15, 2019 PHILADELPHIA — The Eagles are sticking with Carson Wentz as their quarterback despite the late-season success of Nick Foles over the past two years. “Yes, Carson Wentz is the quarterback going forward,” coach Doug Pederson said at a joint news conference with executive vice president of football operations Howie Roseman on Tuesday. “And in Nick’s case, listen, we’d love to have everybody back throughout the roster, but as I’ve said many, many times, it’s not about one guy, it’s about the team, and we’re going to do…

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Lanny Davis: Cohen to describe Trump’s ‘lies, immorality and willingness to abuse people’ in Congressional testimony January 14, 2019 President Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen is set to testify before Congress in February, and Cohen’s adviser Lanny Davis says Cohen will describe Trump’s ‘frightening’ behavior as he addresses lawmakers. Continue Reading…..

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Durbin: Senators need ‘ironclad, rock-bottom assurances’ on Mueller probe from AG nominee By Quint Forgey POLITICO January 13, 2019 Lawmakers need “ironclad, rock-bottom assurances” from attorney general nominee William Barr that he will fairly oversee special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Sunday. “I’m worried about it,” Durbin told host George Stephanopoulos during an interview on ABC’s “This Week.” Continue Reading…..

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ACLU Falsely Claims That Anti-Boycott Legislation Limits Free Speech By David Gerstman and Julie Lenarz January 13, 2019 The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) — at one time the nation’s premiere civil rights organization — has falsely characterized legislation that would penalize companies that boycott Israel as limiting free speech. A letter posted on the organization’s website claimed that the bipartisan Congressional legislation, which supports state laws barring contracts with businesses that boycott Israel, “flies in the face of the First Amendment’s guarantee that the state should impose no law infringing on the right to speak freely…

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Julian Castro, a Texas Democrat and former Obama cabinet member, announces 2020 bid for president By Christal Hayes USA Today January 12, 2019 WASHINGTON — Julian Castro, a former Obama cabinet member and San Antonio mayor, officially threw his hat in the ring on Saturday, announcing he would run for president. On a stage with his family, including his twin brother Rep. Joaquin Castro, in his hometown of San Antonio, the Texas Democrat declared his bid to try and take the White House from President Donald Trump in 2020 and fulfill a destiny that Democrats have projected since…

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George Conway Tears Into Trump: ‘Does Little More Than Spout Nonsense And Lies’ By Lee Moran HuffPost January 12, 2019 To be a fly on the wall in the Conway household. George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, on Friday launched yet another tweeted attack against President Donald Trump. This time, the conservative attorney took aim at his wife’s boss over the ongoing partial government shutdown caused by Trump’s refused demands for billions of dollars to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman WND January 11, 2019 President Donald J. Trump, much to his credit, does not frequent bars, as he admittedly does not drink alcohol. But in listening again to bad advice from establishment Republicans by nominating former George H.W. Bush Attorney General (AG) William “Bill” Barr to replace the cowardly and now disgraced Jeff Sessions, he clearly has swallowed the proverbial Kool-Aid. And, with the forced impending resignation of Sessions’ Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, just when it looked like the president was extricating himself from the swamp, he has fallen back into its dark and murky…

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Judicial Watch Scores Election Integrity Victory in LA County By Michael Patrick Leahy Breitbart January 11, 2019 Judicial Watch won a significant victory for election integrity last week when it signed a settlement agreement with the State of California and Los Angeles County that could potentially remove as many as 1.5 million voters—all of whom are listed as inactive but still registered as of April 27,2018—from the rolls in Los Angeles County. According to the Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder County Clerk’s website, there were 5.2 million registered voters in the county eligible to vote in the November 2018 general…

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