Author: Freedom Watch

George Conway’s Tweets Raise West Wing Eyebrows By Annie Karni POLITICO Magazine December 27, 2018 George Conway’s Manhattan law firm sits near the corner of Sixth Avenue and 52nd Street, just three blocks from Trump Tower. During the 2016 election, when he still supported Donald Trump, the corporate litigator would sometimes walk over to the campaign HQ after work, according to former campaign aides. He’d pop in around 8 p.m. and would sit and work in his wife Kellyanne Conway’s office until she was ready to go. Then he’d drive her to New Jersey, or the couple would…

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Dems worry: Top three candidates in polls are all white men By Amie Parnes TheHill December 27, 2018 Democrats are worried that they have a problem: The three people leading polls in the very early stages of their presidential race are all white men. The party traditionally battles over identity politics and wants to be seen as promoting diversity. Its last three nominees have been Barack Obama, who became the nation’s first African-American president, and Hillary Clinton, the first woman to win the popular vote. Continue Reading…..

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By Deroy Murdock Fox News December 26, 2018 What does an anti-Semite have to do to get ostracized around here? Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, 84, is America’s highest-profile Jew-hater. Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke might covet that distinction, but he is far less in the spotlight today than yesterday. More importantly, Farrakhan can boast that his loathing for Jews has not stopped him from raking in federal tax dollars. That’s right. The Washington Examiner reported last week that Farrakhan has received $364,500 in taxpayer money for preaching to prisoners. Continue Reading…..

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Russia: Israel’s ‘provocative’ Syria strike directly endangered two civilian flights December 26, 2018 Russia’s Defense Ministry said Wednesday that the airstrike in Syria attributed to Israel “directly endangered” two civilian flights. The ministry did not specify which flights had been threatened but said one of the flights was landing in Beirut and the other in Damascus. It added that Syrian air defences had destroyed 14 of 16 Israeli missiles launched against unspecified targets near Damascus by six Israeli F-16s on Tuesday. Continue Reading…..

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The Sacha Baron Cohen ‘Who Is America?’ bit that was too disturbing to air New York Post December 25, 2018 Sacha Baron Cohen’s hit Showtime series “Who Is America?” made headlines for duping politicians and public figures into partaking in cringeworthy, humiliating interviews, but the comedian says one interview was so troubling, it was sent to the FBI and never aired. In an interview with Deadline, Baron Cohen said one of his characters, “Gio Monaldo,” went to Las Vegas to interview a hotel concierge at the height of the Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct scandal to figure out how…

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By Greg Norman Fox News December 25, 2018 Facebook suspended five accounts linked to Democratic operatives who engaged in “coordinated inauthentic behavior” in a bid to steer votes away from Alabama Republican Roy Moore during last year’s special Senate election. The announcement comes following a New York Times report last week that exposed the scheme, in which the users created a Facebook page and imitated conservative Alabamians who weren’t satisfied with the Republican candidate while encouraging others to write in another candidate. Moore, whose campaign ultimately was clouded by allegations of sexual misconduct with teenage girls while he was…

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The year that wasn’t: Ben Carson almost got the Sacha Baron Cohen treatment By Matthew Rozsa Salon December 25, 2018 Sacha Baron Cohen’s new show Who Is America? was a major hit, one in which the comedian went undercover and interviewed prominent politicians from Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore to former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. Yet there is at least one politician he was unable to successfully interview, and he happens to be a high-ranking official in President Donald Trump’s administration — Secretary…

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Lebron James captioned a selfie with 21 Savage lyrics about “Jewish money,” angering conservative critics Newsweek December 24, 2018 Los Angeles Lakers superstar Lebron James landed himself in a second racially-charged controversy this weekend after posting rap lyrics about “Jewish money.” James posted a selfie on what appears to be either Snapchat or Instagram on Saturday featuring lyrics from rapper 21 Savage’s “asmr” which references keeping “kosher” and “getting that Jewish money.” Sports reporters and conservative critics pounced on the social media post just days after the NBA superstar stirred controversy by saying the “old white men” NFL…

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Corker responds to Trump tweet: ‘Alert the daycare staff’ By Justin Wise TheHill December 23, 2018 Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) blasted President Trump on Sunday after Trump claimed that the Republican was forced to retire after not getting the president’s support. “Yes, just like Mexico is paying for the wall,” Corker tweeted, before using the hashtag “#AlertTheDaycareStaff.” Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman WND December 23, 2018 This Christmas and New Year’s season, my nomination for “Grinch of the Year” is Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a man green with envy for the Republican and Democrat establishments. Hiring conflicted leftist and pro-Clinton Democrat elves, Mueller — a registered Republican and former head of the FBI — figured correctly that the “enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Thus, he hired the Trump-hating likes of Andrew Weismann, Jeannie Rhee (who was opposing counsel on behalf of the Clinton Foundation in a racketeering lawsuit I had filed against it) and Aaron Zelinsky,…

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