Author: Freedom Watch

Law360 (December 11, 2018, 4:39 PM EST) — Former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio hit CNN, HuffPost, Rolling Stone and several reporters with a $300.5 million defamation lawsuit in D.C. federal court Monday, claiming that misreporting related to his since-pardoned misdemeanor conviction for criminal contempt has hurt his reputation and political chances. Represented by conservative group Freedom Watch, Arpaio claimed that the reporting errors — including incorrect references to him as a “felon” and as having been “sent to prison” — have interfered with potential relationships with the Republican National Committee and GOP donors. Arpaio, who was defeated by Rep.…

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Yep, the FBI did f*ck Andrew Gillum By Peter Schorsch Florida Politics December 12, 2018 The breaking news out of the Capital City is that a federal grand jury has indicted city Commissioner Scott Maddox on public corruption charges, according to the Tallahassee Democrat. Also indicted was Tallahassee Downtown Improvement Authority Executive Director Paige Carter-Smith. Continue Reading…..

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By Brooke Singman Fox News December 12, 2018 Nearly every Trump campaign associate indicted in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sprawling Russia probe has been charged with making false statements. But in a striking contrast, raising questions about a possible double standard, not a single person interviewed during the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation was hit with false statement charges — even though investigators believed some witnesses were untruthful. Continue Reading…..

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New York Post December 12, 2018 PHOENIX — Former Phoenix-area Sheriff Joe Arpaio has filed a defamation lawsuit seeking $300 million against three news organizations, alleging their inaccurate references to his criminal case have hurt his chances at possibly running in 2020 for the US Senate seat formerly held by John McCain. The lawsuit filed Monday in Washington alleges that CNN, Huffington Post and Rolling Stone magazine acted with malice when they published statements they knew to be erroneous. Continue Reading…..

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By Tim Ryan Courthouse News December 12, 2018 Leveling defamation claims against three news outlets and their reporters, pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio accused the journalists in a federal complaint Monday of overstating his criminal history. President Donald Trump pardoned Arpaio in 2017 after the former Maricopa County sheriff was found guilty of criminal contempt for ignoring a court order directing his office to stop detaining people it suspected of being in the country illegally. Continue Reading…..

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Washington Examiner December 11, 2018 Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is suing several media outlets, including CNN, for $300 million for reporting he was a “convicted felon” who went to prison. The lawsuit was filed Monday against CNN and its president Jeff Zucker and anchor Chris Cuomo, the HuffPost and its political reporter Kevin Robillard, and Rolling Stone magazine and staff writer Tessa Stuart. Arpaio alleged CNN defamed him when Cuomo referred to him as a “convicted felon” in a Jan. 10 broadcast. Continue Reading…..

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Arpaio sues CNN, Rolling Stone for $300 million – WND WND December 11, 2018 Joe Arpaio, the famed former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, has filed a lawsuit against CNN, Rolling Stone and others for defamation for falsely calling him a “felon” in their reports. The case was brought to federal court in Washington by Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch and a former federal prosecutor. Named as defendants in the complaint are CNN President Jeff Zucker, show host Chris Cuomo, Rolling Stone magazine and the Huffington Post. Continue Reading…..

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CNN anchor Don Lemon lectures Trump supporters: The truth ‘doesn’t matter’ to them By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News December 11, 2018 CNN anchor Don Lemon sounded off on what he called President Trump’s “lies,” and claimed the commander in chief's supporters only call out fact-fudging when it comes from Democrats. After his colleague Chris Cuomo closed his show by questioning the president’s evolving narrative about his business ties to Russia, Lemon said that Trump “lied about the lies that he lied about.” Continue Reading….. See also: “Arpaio and Klayman File Complaint for Defamation Against Jeff Zucker, Chris Cuomo,…

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Opinion | As Trump slides in a new poll, reality begins piercing the bubble By Greg Sargent Washington Post December 11, 2018 President Trump has steadfastly hewed to a simple M.O., which is to always claim he is winning, no matter how overwhelming the evidence grows to the contrary. Trump just raged at Democrats for failing to fund his wall, while simultaneously boasting that he has already secured the border and that the wall is indeed on track to getting built. Last week, Trump buffoonishly claimed that the news implicating him in his former lawyer’s felony “totally clears…

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