Author: Freedom Watch

Analysis | Tucker Carlson says Trump is ‘not capable’ and hasn’t kept his promises By Deanna Paul Washington Post December 6, 2018 Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson set straight any misinformation concerning his views on President Trump: “I don’t think he’s capable,” he said during an interview on Tuesday. Urs Gehriger, an editor at “Die Weltwoche,” the country’s leading German-language opinion weekly, noted that Carlson’s new book, “Ship of Fools,” is silent on Trump but comments on his critics. And so, Gehriger jump-started the conversation by asking what Carlson thought of Trump’s first two years in office.…

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UN fails to adopt US resolution condemning Hamas terrorism By Adam Shaw Fox News December 6, 2018 UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations General Assembly failed on Thursday to adopt a U.S. resolution that condemned terrorist acts by Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups — a blow for the U.S. push to curb anti-Israel bias at the body. The U.S. resolution would have condemned Hamas for “repeatedly firing rockets into Israel and for inciting violence, thereby putting civilians at risk.” It would also have demanded that Hamas “and other militant actors, including Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” cease all provocative…

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WashPost: Trump May Pick Bush AG Barr to Lead DOJ By Jason Devaney Newsmax December 6, 2018 On the same day former President George H.W. Bush will be buried, the late president’s attorney general was revealed to be a leading pick to return to the office he left nearly 26 years ago. According to The Washington Post, William Barr could be chosen to serve as attorney general for President Donald Trump. Jeff Sessions was fired from the position one month ago, and Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker has occupied the office since. Continue Reading…..

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Opinion | Michael Flynn tops the list of Trump’s worries By Jennifer Rubin Washington Post December 5, 2018 The Post reports: Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III on Tuesday recommended that former national security adviser Michael Flynn serve no prison time, citing his “substantial assistance” with several ongoing investigations, according to a new court filing. … Tuesday’s filing is heavily redacted, continuing to shroud in secrecy the details of what Flynn told Mueller’s team about his interactions with [President] Trump and other top officials. Continue Reading…..

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Florida Democrat Andrew Gillum meets with Obama amid 2020 speculation By Rebecca Buck CNN December 5, 2018 Andrew Gillum met with former President Barack Obama in Washington on Tuesday, two sources familiar with the matter tell CNN, amid ongoing speculation that the former Democratic nominee for Florida governor might be considering a potential 2020 presidential bid. It is unclear what was discussed at the meeting between Obama and Gillum, who has been talked about as a possible 2020 presidential contender and hasn’t ruled out a bid. Continue Reading…..

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7 Celebrities Who Left Faith for Fame Belief Net December 5, 2018 Few celebrities have rejected God with as much vehemence as actress Kathy Griffin. At the 2007 Emmy Awards ceremony, Griffin, in her acceptance speech, said, “A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. Suck it, Jesus! This award is my God now!” Aside from denying God as the source of her talent, Griffin insulted Christians everywhere, to the extent that her comments were edited…

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Saudi Prince ‘Complicit’ in Khashoggi’s Murder, Senators Say After C.I.A. Briefing New York Times December 5, 2018 “There is not a smoking gun, there’s a smoking saw,” Mr. Graham said. “You have to be willfully blind” not to see it, he said. He was referring to a bone saw that Turkish officials have said was used to dismember Mr. Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. Continue Reading…..

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Joy Behar under fire for snapping at Meghan McCain when asked not to bash Trump during George H.W. Bush tribute By Joseph Wulfsohn Fox News December 4, 2018 Joy Behar is taking some heat for remarks she made during a segment paying tribute to the late President George H.W. Bush on “The View.” On Monday morning, the liberal comedian invoked President Trump as she was praising the 41st president’s policy on pollution and the Clean Air Act Amendments his administration passed in 1990, something she thought “wasn’t picked up” by many other since his passing. Continue Reading…..

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