Author: Freedom Watch

Mueller is about to have his say — in a big way By Elie Honig CNN December 4, 2018 Throughout his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, special counsel Robert Mueller has imposed on his team an ironclad rule: nobody leaks and nobody speaks — out of court, that is. But when it comes to official court filings — indictments, plea agreements, sentencing memos — Mueller has been loquacious and at times downright chatty, disclosing in compelling narrative fashion crucial details about his investigation and tantalizing clues about what might happen next. This week, Mueller is…

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Netanyahu’s Obsession With Image Could Be His Downfall New York Times December 4, 2018 JERUSALEM — In a fiery Hanukkah speech to his fellow Likud party stalwarts a year ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed the Israeli left for the corruption investigations engulfing him, saying that because his opponents couldn’t defeat him at the ballot box, “they tried to beat us with slander.” On Sunday, he addressed the same audience on the same holiday in the same place on the same subject, but the target of his ire was not the Israeli left. It was the outgoing Israeli…

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By Jason Chaffetz Fox News December 3, 2018 With a Republican president in place and soon-to-be Democrat-run House, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has conveniently remembered that they have the ability to prosecute people who lie to Congress. This was a power they had inexplicably forgotten about during the 10 years that Democrats were benefiting from witnesses who lied. No doubt there should be consequences and accountability if you testify to Congress under oath and blatantly lie or violate the law. But the DOJ seems to have different standards based on which party’s political fortunes will be impacted. It…

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By Judson Berger Fox News December 3, 2018 Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Monday filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, accusing investigators of trying to bully him into giving “false testimony” against President Trump. The complaint, which Corsi had threatened for days, is the latest escalation between Mueller’s team and its investigation targets. Continue Reading…..

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Op-Ed: Here’s the real reason Hilllary lost the election By Ezra Klein CNBC December 2, 2018 I’m going to do something unpopular now. I’m going to defend Hillary Clinton. The Democrats’ 2016 nominee has reemerged recently, sitting for a lengthy profile with New York magazine’s Rebecca Traister and giving a series of interviews, including one at Recode’s Code Media conference. (Disclosure: Recode, like Vox, is owned by Vox Media.) It’s not been a smooth return to the public eye. The political press wants self-flagellation, but Clinton is placing the blame for her Electoral College loss elsewhere: on James…

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Julian Carr’s name will be removed from Duke University building News Observer December 1, 2018 Duke University trustees decided Saturday to remove the name of Julian Carr, a noted white supremacist, from one of its classroom buildings, a decision that President Vincent E. Price hopes will be “a positive step towards the realization of Duke University’s goals and aspirations.” The trustees’ decision to rename the building that bore Carr’s name since 1930 comes after a recommendation from Price and a university committee, according to a statement from the university. Continue Reading…..

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New York Times December 1, 2018 TORONTO — The snow is falling lightly. My thoughts are racing darkly. I’m feeling something foreign, something I’ve never felt before. It takes me a moment to identify it. I’m feeling sorry for the Clintons. Continue Reading…..

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Jerome Corsi Is Our Duke Of The Week By Nicole Lafond Talking Points Memo December 1, 2018 Jerome Corsi, the birther who in recent years has been most regularly referenced as an associate of GOP provocateur Roger Stone, has propelled himself to household-name status in recent days; a brand of fame that his former Infowars Washington bureau chief title was never able to bring him. And the longtime conspiracy theorist deserves to be finally taken seriously. He predicted — based on sheer political savvy and literally nothing else — that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange would hack Clinton campaign…

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By Larry Klayman WND November 30, 2018 There is an old expression: What goes around comes around! In the context of my client Dr. Jerome Corsi — a 72 year-old, vibrant, renowned and distinguished conservative journalist, investigative reporter and accomplished New York Times best-selling author now in the cross-hairs of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “witch hunt” to take down President Donald J. Trump — should Mueller and his prosecutorial comrades indict the good doctor, they will have made a huge mistake. Unlike other subjects or targets of Mueller’s runaway investigation, Dr. Corsi does not labor from the near-universal notion…

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