Author: Freedom Watch

Florida’s Recount Is Over, But Worries About A 2020 Election ‘Meltdown’ Persist By Tim Mak November 20, 2018 After nearly two weeks, the Sunshine State’s darkest recurring political nightmare is over. Florida’s recount process was marred by accusations of incompetence, antiquated voting technology and even a ballot design issue that some Democrats believe cost them a Senate seat. Republicans and the president even suggested — without evidence — that voter fraud had been committed. Continue Reading…..

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By Larry Klayman Newsmax November 19, 2018 It never ends! The so called Washington, D.C., establishment swamp grows murkier and more deadly with every passing hour! Needless to say it is on the verge of swallowing up the vision and creation of our Founding Fathers. The federal judiciary is a major occupant of this swamp! While I will get into this in depth in my weekly show on Radio America, “Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman,” which airs each Sunday, and is podcast as well (go to for local listings and to hear my podcast), let us take a…

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CNN requests emergency briefing as White House looks to revoke Jim Acosta’s credential again By Brian Flood Fox News November 19, 2018 CNN and its White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, again accused the Trump Administration of violating their constitutional rights in new papers filed with the U.S. District Court on Monday after spending much of the weekend exchanging legal threats in the wake of Friday’s ruling by a federal judge temporarily restoring Acosta’s credential. Acosta was informed of a “preliminary decision” for his White House credential to be revoked, once again, after the temporary 14-day order expires. The…

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By Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media April 28, 2017 When Bill O’Reilly left Fox News he declared, “I am very confident the truth will come out and when it does I don’t know if you are going to be surprised, but I think you are going to be shaken as I am.” Some observers think he was referring not to the sexual harassment allegations against him, but to behind-the-scenes maneuvers by one of Rupert Murdoch’s sons, James, and his very liberal wife, Kathryn. Her bio says, “Between 2007-2011, Ms. Murdoch served as Director of Strategy & Communications for the…

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By Jack Hellner American Thinker June 23, 2018 I used to enjoy watching Fox News with news host Bret Baier, which was a great remedy to ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. But not all that much anymore, because it seems to be going left. (Correction: Fox News ratings are not declining, as earlier indicated, and FNC has been #1 in cable news for 22 weeks in a row.) I see it in places I’d never expect. Take Baier. Recently, Baier said he has a tough time explaining Sean Hannity. Bret has been moving left just like the Wall Street Journal’s…

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Senate barrels toward showdown over Trump’s court picks By Jordain Carney TheHill November 19, 2018 The Senate is bracing for an end-of-the-year brawl over President Trump’s judicial nominations. Republicans view filling the lifetime court seats as their top priority and are expected to confirm as many nominees as possible before the Senate adjourns for the year, infuriating Democrats and their allies who are powerless to stop Trump’s picks. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is already teeing up votes for two nominations — Jonathan Kobes to be an 8th Circuit Court judge and Thomas Farr to be a district…

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CNN seeks emergency court hearing after White House promises revocation of Acosta’s credentials again By Meagan Flynn Washington Post November 19, 2018 CNN and the network’s chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta have asked a federal judge for an emergency hearing after the White House sent Acosta a letter saying it planned to suspend Acosta’s press pass again, just hours after the same judge ordered the White House to temporarily restore Acosta’s credentials Friday. Unless the judge extends that 14-day order, it will expire at the end of the month. In light of the White House’s unexpected action,…

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Fox News host Chris Wallace tells Trump world sees him as ‘beacon for repression’ By William Cummings USA TODAY November 18, 2018 WASHINGTON — Fox News host Chris Wallace went after President Donald Trump for his attacks on the news media in an interview that aired Sunday, telling the president he is “seen around the world as a beacon for repression” because of his rhetoric. The “Fox News Sunday” host told Trump that while other presidents expressed frustration with the news media, none had gone as far as Trump, who called them “the enemy of the American people.”…

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“SNL” parodies Fox News trying to explain away blue midterm wave By Phil Helsel NBC News November 18, 2018 More fake news about the midterm blues. “Saturday Night Live” took to the airwaves to poke fun at conspiracy theories about voter fraud following the midterms, using a parody of conservative commentator Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show. The sketch featured Kate McKinnon as Ingraham teasing an upcoming segment about how “celebrities in California are whining about some tiny wildfires, while our heroic president is under constant attack — from rain.” Continue Reading…..

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Mueller could turn easy Trump answers into difficult situation TheHill November 17, 2018 For White House legal counsel, it may be the most chilling five words uttered thus far in the long Russia investigation. President Trump said he has finished working on the questions submitted to him by special counsel Robert Mueller, declaring, “I answered them very easily.” If there is one universally accepted fact in this political morass, it is that nothing is easy about this investigation, let alone “very” easy. Reports indicate that Trump was given a couple dozen questions that focused on Russian collusion allegations…

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