Author: Freedom Watch

‘Saturday Night Live’ Mocks Trump’s Ouster of Jeff Sessions By Dennis Romero NBC News November 11, 2018 “Saturday Night Live” had some fun with the ouster of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who’s being replaced by President Donald Trump loyalist Matthew Whitaker. The comedy showcase opened with Sessions, played by Kate McKinnon, getting ready to leave his office. “This is Matthew Whitaker’s office now, Jeff,” said press secretary Sarah Sanders, played by Aidy Bryant. Continue Reading….. Click to Watch Video

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Former Attorney General Says Whitaker Appointment ‘Confounds Me’ By Jason Breslow November 11, 2018 The former attorney general under President George W. Bush is voicing doubt about whether President Trump has the authority to appoint Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general, saying there are “legitimate questions” about whether the selection can stand without Senate confirmation. In an interview with NPR, Alberto Gonzales, who served as attorney general from 2005 to 2007, also said that critical comments made by Whitaker about Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election “calls into question his impartiality.” Continue Reading…..

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Judith Miller: My week with Jeff Sessions before his firing revealed a lot about the man By Judith Miller Fox News November 10, 2018 The C-40 military jet carrying then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and senior staff had just lifted off the runway at Boston’s Logan airport on Oct. 29 when the engine shuddered and the plane hit the ground with a thud. The jet had hit a flock of birds, remnants of which were splattered across the windshield. The two senior aides in the front cabin were pale and shaken. So was I, a reporter covering him that…

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Michelle Obama: ‘I’d Never Forgive’ Trump For Birther Conspiracy. Trump Hits Back: I’ll Never Forgive Barack. Daily Wire November 10, 2018 A feud has now erupted between President Trump and former First Lady Michelle Obama, and it’s all very Trumpian. According to The Hill, the former First Lady excoriates the current President in her upcoming memoir, titled “Becoming,” in which she announces she will “never forgive” President Trump for spreading the birther conspiracy in the years leading up to his 2016 candidacy. She writes: The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and…

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By Larry Klayman WND November 9, 2018 I am a proud citizen of Florida, the nation’s Sunshine State. But today a dark cloud hangs over this paradise, which is reverting to a “voter swamp.” As occurred after Election Day 2000, when then-Vice President Al Gore challenged the apparent presidential victory of then-Gov. George W. Bush, an effort is underway by the Democrats to steal the election to senator of Rick Scott and the election to governor of Ron DeSantis. The stakes are very high! If Andrew Gillum, a devout socialist, pro-Palestinian and anti-white race baiter becomes the next governor…

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Trump pushes back at Michelle Obama By Jeremy Diamond CNN November 9, 2018 President Donald Trump pushed back at former first lady Michelle Obama and former President Barack Obama over a forthcoming memoir in which the former first lady said she would “never forgive” Trump for his role in the “birther” movement. “She got paid a lot of money to write a book and they always expect a little controversy,” Trump said. “I’ll give you a little controversy back, I’ll never forgive (President Barack Obama) for what he did to our US military. It was depleted, and I…

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Trump’s installation of acting AG was unconstitutional, argues husband of Kellyanne Conway By John Wagner Washington Post November 8, 2018 A new opinion piece co-authored by George T. Conway III — husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway — argues that President Trump’s installation of Matthew G. Whitaker as acting attorney general Wednesday was unconstitutional. “It’s illegal. And it means that anything Mr. Whitaker does, or tries to do, in that position is invalid,” George Conway wrote with his co-author in a piece published by the New York Times on Thursday, less than 24 hours after Trump ousted…

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Bernie Sanders on Andrew Gillium and Stacey Abrams: Many Whites Made ‘Uncomfortable’ Voting for Black Candidates By Gideon Resnick The Daily Beast November 8, 2018 Democratic officials woke Wednesday morning searching for answers as to why the party was unable to win several marquee Senate and gubernatorial races the night before. But for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) the explanation was simple. The candidates who underperformed weren’t progressive enough; those who didn’t shy away from progressivism were undone, in part, by “racist” attacks. Continue Reading…..

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