Author: Freedom Watch

‘This is what local corruption looks like’: In Florida, DeSantis highlights reports that an FBI agent bought a ‘Hamilton’ ticket for Gillum By John Wagner Washington Post October 24, 2018 Republican Ron DeSantis on Wednesday seized on reports that Andrew Gillum, his Democratic opponent in Florida’s race for governor, used a ticket from an undercover FBI agent to see the Broadway show “Hamilton” in 2016. “This is what local corruption looks like,” DeSantis said during an appearance on Fox News, seeking to leverage the issue in the closing weeks of a race in which polls have shown him…

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Right Wing Watch October 23, 2018 Larry Klayman, a right-wing activist and attorney, and “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio, a failed Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Arizona, have filed a legal complaint against The New York Times alleging that the paper defamed Arpaio by publishing a column about his loss in which writer Michelle Cottle, a member of the Times’ editorial board, called Arpaio a “sadistic man.” The lawsuit seeks $147.5 million in damages. The complaint, filed and published on Klayman’s website yesterday, asserts that while the column “is strategically titled as an opinion piece” it asserts that Arpaio “was…

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IT’S TIME TO TAKE DOWN THE LEFTIST MEDIA BEFORE IT DESTROYS ALL, INCLUDING AMERICA’S TOUGHEST SHERIFF, JOE ARPAIO! THE RABID AND HATEFUL NEW YORK TIMES MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND FREEDOM WATCH IS THE ONLY CONSERVATIVE BUT NON-PARTISAN WATCHDOG GROUP BRAVE ENOUGH TO GET IT DONE! A Counter-Revolution Must Be Legally Waged Against the Leftist and Biased Media in Order to Save the Nation. Freedom Watch’s Leftist Media Strike Force and Sheriff Arpaio Need Your Help! Dear Friend, Patriot and Freedom Watch Supporter: You all know about part of my efforts as the Chairman and General Counsel of Freedom…

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Gillum calls DeSantis out for dodging debate question about whether Trump is a ‘good role model’ for kids By Avery Anapol TheHill October 22, 2018 Former GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis (Fla.) on Sunday dodged a question about whether President Trump is “a good role model for the children of Florida,” drawing criticism from Democratic opponent Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum in their first gubernatorial debate. DeSantis began his answer to the question by defending a viral campaign adin which he showed his support for Trump by teaching his kids to “build the wall” with blocks. “I don’t actually read…

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Panthers’ Eric Reid blasts Eagles’ Malcolm Jenkins over anthem protests By Ryan Gaydos Fox News October 22, 2018 Two NFL players who have protested during the national anthem and seemed to be in each other’s corners nearly came to blows Sunday before their game against each other. Carolina Panthers defensive back Eric Reid, a former teammate of Colin Kaepernick, confronted Philadelphia Eagles player Malcolm Jenkins on the field near the Eagles’ logo before their game. The exchange got heated and both players had to be separated. Continue Reading…..

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Michael Goodwin: Count on Hillary to run in 2020 By Michael Goodwin Fox News October 22, 2018 This is beyond odd, but here goes. I rise to defend Hillary Clinton. She is under attack and this time, the long knives are wielded by members of her own clan. Suddenly, after two years of indulging Clinton’s blame games and pity parties, lefty pundits say she’s talking too much, she’s stuck in the past, she had her chance and she blew it. Vanity Fair, declaring that she “still hasn’t learned the lessons of #MeToo,” is furious that Clinton said her…

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Ben Sasse says Sean Hannity business model ‘not good for the next generation’ By Alex Swoyer The Washington Times October 21, 2018 Sen. Ben Sasse continued his spat with conservative host Sean Hannity on Sunday, saying the Fox News star’s business model is bad for the next generation. He also put blame on MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for contributing to the problem of political tribalism, which he details in his new book, “Them: Why We Hate Each Other—and How to Heal.” “Both of them have the same basic business model, which is to try to intensify the political…

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Bar Association gets complaint against Blasey Ford’s lawyers – WND WND October 19, 2018 When Christine Blasey Ford testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee that now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her decades ago, she said she didn’t know that committee staffers had offered to meet her in California. That failure now is the subject of a complaint to the Board of Professional Responsibility in the District of Columbia against Ford lawyers Debra Katz, Lisa Banks and Michael Bromwich. Government watchdog Judicial Watch said it filed the complaint because the lawyers apparently failed to abide by a rule…

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